This site is to assist “Fishers of Men” Bible Teachers with remote Bible Studies.
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(919) 852-5683
Evidence for a Maker!
Is the Bible from God?
Are the Ten Commandments still binding today?
What is man’s greatest problem?
What can I do about my sin?
How can I obey the gospel and be forgiven of my sin?
Should I join a church?
Am I in the right church?
Am I a true disciple of Christ?
What about speaking in tongues?
Lord, will You teach me to pray and what to pray for daily?
How do I answer the Lord’s prayer?
How do I become a mature Christian?
Concepts for Christain growth!
A Christain husband!
A Christain wife!
A Special Study!
Correct! Isaiah did say the mother of Jesus would be a virgin and he could not know such a thing on his own.
Why do you say this is not true? What is your understanding of Isaiah 7:14?
How would Isaiah have known something so unique 700 years before it actually happened?
Correct! Isaiah said, “a virgin would conceive and bear a Son” as a sign (one of many signs) from God about the coming of Christ.
Correct! Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus, just as prophesied.
What is not true, the prophesy of a virgin birth or the virgin birth of Jesus or both?
Correct! The consistency and accuracy throughout the Bible would be impossible without inspiration by an all-knowing God.
How could such unity and accuracy be achieved without inspiration?
What scientific inaccuracies do you see in the Bible?
Correct! Scientifically accurate information recorded in the Bible before discovery by man confirms that an all-knowing God inspired the Bible writers.
What do you think Isaiah meant in Isaiah 40:22 concerning the shape of the earth?
Correct, that is what Job said and pictures of the earth from space prove that it is!
Correct! Isaiah called it a circle!
What was Job saying about the earth in Job 26:7?
Correct, that is what the Bible says in Genesis 23:10!
How could a Bible with historical inaccuracies be consider inspired by an all-knowing God?
How do you know this is false? (See Genesis 23:10 and Genesis 23:16.)
Correct! Historical accuracy confirms Bible writers were guided by the all-knowing God.
Correct, Joshua makes reference the Hittites in Joshua 3:10!
Why do you say Joshua did not mention the Hittites? See Joshua 3:10.
How would that be humanly possible without inspiration by God?
Correct, they could not! Today, it is almost impossible for two eyewitnesses to agree on details of an event within the last week!
Please show me the contradiction so we can research and discuss. Thanks!
Correct. The reason you have not seen a single proven contradiction in the Bible is because there aren’t any! Some Bible translations may suggest issues, but these are all resolvable when you consider the original language of the Bible.
Correct! The perfect balance and harmony of the entire creation is not by accident, it is only possible by an all-knowing, all-powerful God.
Correct! Something cannot come from nothing; a creator is required.
How is it possible for ordinary men to know scientific facts 100’s of years before other ordinary men using scientific methods discovered them?
How can something come from nothing without an eternal God, that is, a God that has no beginning or end?
What does the order and design of all things in the universe suggest to you about its origin?
Correct! Human intelligence is amazing at combining experience, investigation, and imagination to give us the wealth of ‘discovered’ scientific knowledge we have today. If someone knows scientific facts without this ‘discovery’, the only reasonably source of this new information is a direct revelation from God.
Correct! There is only one true God revealed in the Bible. That one God is the ‘Us’ in Genesis 1:26 that created man and that includes the Spirit mentioned in Genesis 1:2. John 1:1 also confirms Jesus, the ‘Word’, was with God at creation.
How do you explain God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit and their relationship to the God of the Bible.
Correct. Logic and reasoning help us achieve an accurate understand. Any perceived contradiction or error will be resolved with continued study. There will be times when we desire more detail on a subject, but if we don’t find it, God has determined additional detail is not necessary or helpful for us at this time.
What part or parts of this statement about God coming to the earth in human form to reveal His will are false and why?
What is false about the one God of the Bible being God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit?
Correct! The universe exists because it was made by a creator. That is the only reasonable explanation.
How do you think these men acquired scientific knowledge many years before man made such discoveries?
How do you view God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit?
Correct! God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
Correct! Jesus is God the Son and He became human, conceived by God the Spirit, born to a virgin, and lived sinlessly so you and I could know how we should live.
Correct! The Bible is truth, is from God, and it proclaims the one living God. It would be unreasonable to deny the accuracy of the Bible.
How is it reasonable to conclude that the universe could exist without a creator?
Why don’t you believe God gave His only Son so we might have everlasting life?
Correct! God demonstrated His love for us by the gift of His Son, that we can have eternal life through Him.
Why do you believe God is not the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?
What is being proclaimed by rain and fruitful seasons, year after year?
How could God create the heavens and the earth if He did not exist before that creation?
Why don’t you believe the words of the first verse in the first book of the Bible, Genesis 1:1?
Correct. The very first verse in the Bible clearly states God is the Creator!
Correct. The inspired apostle Paul confirmed God as the Creator and that His creation proclaims Him as the Creator by the many good things it does for man, including the rain and fruitful seasons.
Correct. Only the Creator would have this scientific knowledge before man discovered it for himself. Men who had scientific foreknowledge could only have known these things because God revealed it to them.
Correct. David says the oceans have paths (or currents) which fish must swim through.
Correct. Job says God gave weight to wind, that is, air.
What did Isaiah mean when he said God sits above the ‘circle of the earth’?
What historical records have you seen to suggest people were not concerned about this voyage because they assumed the earth was flat?
What scientific evidence suggests the earth’s shape is not circular?
Correct! Historical documents show many people thought the earth was flat in the days of Christopher Columbus!
Correct, Isaiah says God sits above a circular earth.
How could Noah have the knowledge and experience necessary to construct a large seaworthy structure to safely carry much cargo for a long time in violent seas–something mankind had never seen before?
How did Job acquire this knowledge long before it was scientifically proven years later?
What is false in this statement given the statement recorded in Job 38:16?
What evidence tells you Job did not say the earth hangs on nothing when Job’s statement in Job 26:7 is almost identical?
Why do you consider this false when you can read the actual statement recorded in Job 26:7?
Correct! Job could not have known any of these facts during his lifetime, way before man discovered them, without God providing these details.
Correct. The book of Job records God’s question to Job concerning freshwater springs that God put in the oceans.
Correct. Job said God positioned the earth, so it hangs on nothing.
Correct. Job said God put the north over empty space!
Correct! It is not reasonable to think the consistency and reliability we enjoy in our physical world all happened by chance.
What specifically do you believe is meant by Genesis 1:14 if not God organizing time into day, night, seasons, and years?
Correct. The Bible specifically says God created lights above the earth to distinguish daytime from nighttime! And these lights also become signs for seasons and for years. We know these lights combine with the rotation of the earth on its tilted axis and revolving around the sun makes this all possible.
How could you physically count the stars in the heavens when even the most powerful telescopes have a limited reach into the heavens? How could you physically count the sands on the seashore when wind and wave continuously change worldwide seashores?
What kind of origin is suggested by all that you see in the heavens and the earth?
Correct. So complex yet in perfect harmony. Each part designed to support all other parts.
Correct! It is not logical to think all kinds of flowers, trees, and animals on the earth plus the stars, moon, and sun magically appeared without someone intentionally making them.
Correct! The consistent design throughout all of nature could not happen by accident. The only logical conclusion is everything exists because it was designed by a Designer!
What do you see in nature that suggests it lacks design?
Correct! Everything we see is complex in detail, yet specific in purpose and fully compatible with all the other things that exist in nature.
Correct. Only the Lord sees a man’s heart to know his faith is real, his repentance is genuine, and that his baptism was for the right purpose.
What would I have in common to establish fellowship with Christians if I were not striving also to live a righteous life.
Correct. They were anxious to be baptized, and they immediately became active faithful Christians after they were baptized.
Correct. Baptism is essential, but it is only the beginning. There is much more to learn and understand concerning the teachings of Jesus and the will of God for a Christian to grow, mature, and become more like Jesus.
Correct. Christ, God the Son, made this claim while on earth in the flesh. He speaks the truth, is sinless, and He did not lie.
Correct. The differentiating features the world sees and says are important between two human beings does not exist for those baptized into Christ. Every soul is cherished by God, having great value and importance in His kingdom. Since God sees each Christian that way, we too must see each Christian that way.
Correct. Peter said their sins would be forgiven when they were baptized. He said those who were baptized would also receive the “gift of the Holy Spirit”. This gift could be a non-miraculous indwelling of the Holy Spirit, or on this day for these first believers, the gift could be miraculous power by the Holy Spirit, a gift directly from God or by apostles laying hands on each of them. See Acts 10:45 for an example.
What else could Peter’s statement in verse thirty-six mean except that the Jews were guilty of crucifying, that is, murdering Jesus the Lord, Jesus the Christ.
Correct. Every soul is important and needs to hear the truth so they can decide to obey or reject rather than stay uninformed.
Correct. Jesus was telling Nicodemus to no longer rely upon the law of Moses nor the rituals and traditions of the Pharisees.
Correct. Our striving to live righteously enables the blood to continue removing sin even before I recognize my new sin. However, I must still repent and ask for forgiveness as soon as I realize that new sin.
Correct. Having been baptized into Christ means you became a partaker of His salvation. This is not playing a role like an actor, nor wearing a badge or a special uniform like a soldier. But it is becoming like Him, with our heart.
Why isn’t baptism that can save us similar to the ark that saved Noah and his family?
Correct. When they entered the ark, the ark was safely lifted by water, so they avoided the death and destruction on the earth below them.
Correct. Our sins separated us from God. Christ died so we could be forgiven, and this brings us back to God.
What do you believe these three verses are saying concerning prerequisites for being saved?
Correct. Worldly sorrow, that is, being sad for what happened, the inconvenience created, or resulting disappointment is not repentance for sin against God. Without repentance leading to salvation, death will be the result.
What other possible solution can you see in Peter’s words for a believer to find forgiveness of sin?
Correct: All their sins are now forgiven, so they are saved. (Of course, we will also see remaining faithful is necessary to stay saved.)
Correct: To a nonbeliever, baptism would be considered ridiculous since they don’t even believe in the God who commands baptism.
If Jesus is not the way, the truth and the life, where can we find the right answers to avoid being led astray in our pursuit of a successful life?
Correct. Following Jesus keeps me on the right road. Listening to Him eliminates the need to hear and be confused by others. He makes it possible to successfully live life on the earth and to know spiritual life in eternity will become a reality.
Correct. If my desire is to go to God the Father and the only way to Him is Jesus, I must carefully listen to what He says and observe what He does so I can obey what He commands and act the way He would act.
Correct. Fellowship with other Christians striving to be like Jesus is only possible when I am united with them in striving to be like Jesus.
Why wouldn’t the blood of Jesus continue to remove our sins if we are sincerely trying to live faithfully for Him.
Why wouldn’t it be a lie to claim with our mouth that we are in Christ but with our actions we are focused on worldly pursuits?
Correct. Being in Christ and striving to be like Him is the complete opposite of living like the world in the world. Christians know the difference and are not being honest when they choose to live like the world.
Correct. If someone believes Jesus is God’s Son but refuse to obey God’s command to be baptized, their sins still separate them from God, and they will die in their sins.
What makes you think saved believers can be found outside of the Lord’s church?
Since the church belongs to Christ, why would He delegate church membership decisions to a man or any group of men?
Correct. Believers who reject baptism will not be saved because their sins still separate them from God.
What makes that possible since baptism is necessary for the forgiveness of sin and their sin continues to separate them from God?
Correct. A person must believe and then be baptized for the forgiveness of sins to be saved.
How can a person’s faith save them when baptism is necessary for sins to be forgiven?
Correct. Only the believers who were baptized became saved believers.
What scripture suggests believers not willing to be baptized for forgiveness of their sins were still added to the saved group?
Why wouldn’t believers who were baptized also be recognized as saved believers since the blood of Jesus washed their sins away?
Correct. Those who were baptized became members of a special group and that special group was the saved believers, or the church.
Why wouldn’t “gladly received the word” equal “accepted/believed Peter’s word”? Their belief and acceptance of what Peter spoke is proven by their obedient act of being baptized.
Why do you think baptism and following the other teachings of Jesus are not necessary for someone who says they are a disciple, that is, a follower of Jesus?
Why would Jesus command baptism in these three names if it were not true or if it were not necessary?]
Correct. That is how Jesus said one should be baptized, in the name of the “three in one God”: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
Why would Jesus ask us to make disciples and baptize them if it was not necessary?
Correct. Wanting to follow Jesus, learn from Him, and be with Him is a great start, but without obeying Him by being baptized, their faith is lacking, their trust in Him is missing and they are still covered in their sins.
Correct. This command is given by the One who has all authority to His apostles. And through them, to all Christians. Our confidence is not in our ability to ‘go’ or ‘make’, that is teach, but in the authority and power of the One sending us.
What words or actions of Jesus suggest His statement to “Go, make disciples…” is anything less than a command?
Where in the Bible do you find that all authority in heaven and on earth was not given to Jesus?
What evidence suggests all Christians in Christ are not equal?
Why wouldn’t faith in Jesus motivate a person to be baptized and become a son of God?
Correct. Our faith causes us to trust and obey God. Because of faith we recognize baptism is required to be saved. By faith we are baptized and when we are baptized our faith makes us sons of God.
Why wouldn’t baptized believers, who share a common faith and commit to the same Savior, become united and be one in Christ?
Correct. We are united by a common faith and saved by the same blood of our Savior that we contacted when immersed into His death. We each chose to deny self and become like Jesus. We are united with Him and for Him.
How would you describe what a person has done or how they are viewed after being baptized into Christ.
Why do you think God commands a believer to be baptized in order to have their sins forgiven?
Correct. Baptism is not a bath in water. It is a recognition of God’s authority to command baptism and my willingness to obey without doubting. I don’t have to understand all the details about how or why it works, I just have to trust and obey God who makes it work.
Correct. The ark was able to save Noah and his family when they entered the ark. And in a similar fashion, baptism can save us today if we are willing to enter into baptism. Those unwilling to enter will not be saved.
How did the flood waters, which destroyed all living creatures on the earth, impact Noah and his family who were in the ark?
If our sins separate us from God, why wouldn’t Jesus’s death, which removes our sin, make it possible for us to be reunited with God?
What significance would baptism have if it didn’t represent us dying to sin just as Jesus died on the cross for our sins and was buried?
How would you define a person coming up out of the water of baptism relative to Jesus’ victory over His death and what He did to make forgiveness of our sins possible?
Correct. As we come up out of the water we are raised to a new life; the blood of Jesus washed our old sins away and we get a fresh start at living an obedient life.
If baptism, immersion in water, is not similar to a burial, what do you think this act of obedience represents?
Correct. Baptism is immersion in water, the water covers us just as Jesus was buried in a tomb and the ground covered Him after He died on the cross.
Correct. The sinful person that we used to be is put to death just as Jesus died on the cross for us.
Correct, He does not. Scripture says God does not answer prayers requesting things for simple personal pleasure nor long prayers made as a public performance!
Why do you believe the ability to pray is automatic?
Correct. Jesus is the only way to God the Father and His way is clearly revealed in His Word.
What else could calling on the name of the Lord indicate based on this statement by Ananias?
Correct. God’s message to Paul as expressed by Ananias says baptism is how to call on the name of the Lord and to be freed from sin by the power of His blood.
Why can’t baptism wash sins away and leave a person sinless?
Correct. When baptized the right way for the right reason, all past sins will be removed and God will forget them, Hebrews 10:17-18.
Why would it be acceptable to wait hours, days, weeks, or longer?
Correct. Since baptism is necessary to get rid of past sin, why wait, knowing every person is a heartbeat away from physical death and spiritually dead without baptism.
What needs to be added or changed in this statement to make it correct and agree with Romans 10:8-10?
Correct. Confessing with the mouth to be heard by others a belief that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, is necessary for salvation.
Correct. This verse affirms those who believe the word of faith, the Gospel of Christ, that was preached and confess Jesus as Lord will be saved. Are they saved because that is all they have to do or are they saved because the faith they have will cause them to also obey and be baptized as the saved in Acts 2:36-47, or as the Philippian jailer in Acts 16:30-33, or Paul in Acts 9:17-18.
Correct. This verse says confessing Jesus and faith are linked together in order to be saved.
If believing, that is, having faith, alone is able to save, why would Paul write confessing Jesus with your mouth is also necessary to be saved?
What evidence suggests worldly sorrow will not produce death?
What do you think is necessary if someone sins, yet still wants salvation?
Correct, if we desire salvation instead of death. Without godly sorrow, true repentance is impossible. Without repentance we remain in the sin which leads to death.
Why wouldn’t real repentance enable a person to also find salvation?
Correct. Acknowledging sin, taking personal responsibility for sin by repenting is necessary, but it is not equal to salvation. It does demonstrate a good heart willing to obey God’s word and His plan of salvation.
Why would someone repent if they didn’t experience godly sorrow?
Correct. Godly sorrow, extreme grief, is more than a casual feeling, it is deep remorse for having disobeyed God and a changed heart that produces repentance.
What suggests Peter’s words were not correct and no gift would be received?
Correct. Based on the instruction provided by Peter, such ideas are incorrect, inappropriate, and will cause even a good person to be eternally lost.
How could an honest person who understood Peter’s words in these verses believe either position was the truth?
Correct. Baptism was the point where their sins were forgiven. No baptism would mean no forgiveness.
Why be baptized if forgiveness occurs at some point prior to baptism?
Correct. Peter, God’s inspired spokesmen, answered their cry for help by giving them God’s plan for salvation, the only way sins can be forgiven.
Correct. Their faith was necessary but so was their repentance and obedience to baptism, just as they were told by Peter.
Why would Peter tell these Jews who now believed Jesus is the Lord and Christ to repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins if faith alone was sufficient to obtain salvation?
Why wouldn’t the current evidence and Peter’s words open the eyes of these Jews, magnify their guilt, and cause them to seek a way to correct their wrong?
Correct. They now understand Jesus was God’s Son, the promised Lord and Savior, and their guilt of having participated in His crucifixion was driving them to seek a solution to remedy their wrong.
Correct. The entire Jewish nation was guilty because they should have kept the faith of Abraham and recognized all the prophecies concerning the coming of the Immanuel.
What motivates a person to be baptized if they don’t believe in the God who requires baptism.
What else is required in order to be saved?
Correct! Anybody teaching as truth something about the gospel not found in God’s word will be condemned.
What is your understanding concerning the apostles and how they were guided to write Scripture and all their writings taken together being spiritually correct and complete, that is, all that we need today?
Great! The inspired apostles were guided by the Spirit of truth. The things they taught, wrote, or had written for them, as Paul often did, when viewed in total is ALL the spiritual truth God knew man needed to believe, obey and please Him.
Correct, Jesus said the Holy Spirit (Spirit of truth) would guide the apostles into all truth necessary to thoroughly equip Christians. This promise is to apostles, not ALL believers. The Spirit would help the apostles remember what Jesus said, John 14:26, and reveal things to come in the future.
Correct. Jesus not only claimed to have all authority, but He also proved it by what He did and continues to do for us as we live for Him.
What is preventing you from seeing the Bible as the word of God rather than a simple compilation of fictional writings from many men over a long period of time which magically agree on all facts and are 100% accurate in every prediction?
Excellent! Knowing the Bible is from God means we must study it frequently to understand what He is saying to us and what kind of response He desires.
What additional truth/proof is needed to persuade you concerning Jesus, who He is and the authority and power He possesses?
How will mankind be saved from sin without God showing us grace in the life Jesus and hope of salvation because of His sacrificial death?
Correct. God showed us His love, grace, and mercy when He sent Jesus to be the acceptable sacrifice for our sin.
Correct! Jesus has all authority, Mathew 28:18, and He is the one and only Mediator between man and God, 1 Timothy 2:5!
Correct! Most people are not even looking for this narrow gate. Many think God’s love will automatically save everyone. Others are not sure but really don’t care and prefer to remain spiritually ignorant.
Correct! If Jesus is the author of salvation to all who obey Him, a person’s faith has to be more than a warm feeling, it must be heartfelt respects for His words and obedience to His commands.
Correct! Man’s only hope to be with God for eternity is exclusively found in the truth of Jesus by following the way of Jesus and living like Jesus.
Why don’t you believe the recorded words of John the Baptist in John 1:29.
Correct. John the Immerser/Baptizer/Baptist identified Jesus as the Lamb of God who came to take away sins.
How could the Word not have been with God in the beginning given what is written in John 1:1-2?
Correct. Jesus was with God at the beginning as was the Holy Spirit, Genesis 1:2.
Correct, the Word (Jesus as God) became flesh (Jesus as man) who was at the same time the only begotten Son (Jesus, the Son of God).
What makes you believe The Word did not take on flesh and become a man to live among us?
Correct! The Word, Jesus, the Son of God, also became the Son of man to live righteously in the flesh among us. His eyewitnesses saw His glory and we, through what they wrote, also see His glory.
Why did God send Jesus into the world?
Correct! God sent Jesus so we can believe in Him and have everlasting life.
What scripture suggests God did not send Jesus into the world? Doesn’t John 3:16 provide the only answer?
Correct! God proved His love for us by sending His Son so we might be saved from our sins!
Why is this false since Paul and John both provide warnings about going beyond what God’s word states?
Where does God say it is acceptable for someone to change His words? Wouldn’t that be changing God’s words found in Galatians 1:8-9?
Correct! God does not change; He does not make mistakes; His word is truth; and He condemns anyone changing His word.
What scripture suggests teaching a gospel not found in revealed Scriptures is acceptable? (See Galatians 1:9)
Correct, they or even an angel from heaven would be condemned for preaching a gospel different from what Jesus had given them.
What do you believe concerning inspiration of Scripture and what additional information does man need to do the good work God has given us?
Correct! It is from God; it is complete; it is all we need to please God and do the work He has given us!
What is the source of all Scripture if not by inspiration of God as Pual tells Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:16-17?
Correct! Paul through inspiration is saying all Scripture, Old and New Testament, is from God; recorded exactly the way God wanted it written!
Correct! The prophecy of a virgin birth and the birth taking place in Bethlehem were both fulfilled 700 years later!
What was Micah talking about in Micah 5:2 if not the city where Jesus would be born?
Correct! The Bible says repent or parish. See Luke 13:3,5.
What possible hope remains for an unrepentant sinner to be saved?
What then must a disciple do regarding the words of Jesus? (Read John 8:31)
Correct! Now that God’s complete/perfect truth has been revealed and is recorded in the Bible, nothing remains needing confirmation by miracles.
Correct! Worshippers must worship God in spirit and in truth for God to accept their worship!
Why would God be pleased with worship based on something other than truth or offered without a sincere heart?
Correct. God seeks people to worship Him in spirit and truth. Does He seek worship because He needs our worship or because we benefit when we worship Him?
How can we help you understand God’s plan for saving man and help you do what God commands, so your salvation can be a reality, not just wishful thinking.
That is wonderful! Knowing God’s will and knowing you have obeyed His will means eternal life with Him is yours, if you should physically die or Christ returns in the next few minutes.
Keep studying baptism to discover what pleases God. It’s your decision! God wants to save you and we are here to encourage you.
Perfect! What a relief to know sin no longer separates you from God! May your enthusiasm grow daily, along with Bible knowledge to equip you to teach others and bring souls to Jesus.
What do you consider a valid baptism and what happens in baptism to enable your sins to be forgiven?
Correct. God defines baptism as immersion, submerged under water, a burial, where a believer comes in contact with the blood of Jesus so his sins can be washed away.
Terrific! The gospel is called the Good News because obedience makes salvation a reality!
Keep studying and thinking! Life is full of options and opportunities as long as we remain alive.
Keep studying and consider the eternal impact gospel obedience will have on you.
Wonderful! His commands are not burdensome, and His yoke is light, making it possible for us to overcome misfortunes in life, Matthew 11:30.
Keep studying and consider the possible benefits in this life and in the life to come.
Awesome! Jesus is the right way, the only way. Letting Him have control in your life means you too are on the right way!
Correct! Gospel obedience is necessary to be saved. Without gospel obedience your sins continue to separate you from God making eternal life with Jesus impossible.
What hope of living with Jesus does a person have who died without obeying the gospel to have their sins washed away?
Correct. Two angels stated it for Jesus and Jesus always keeps his promises.
Correct! Baptism is a personal decision made out of faith and public confession in Jesus and what He did so your sins, which you now regret and no longer want to do, can be forgiven.
Keep studying and thinking! Your decision will have an eternal impact.
Correct. God the Creator, the Law Provider and the Righteous Judge, not man, determines the terms for salvation! Gospel obedience is necessary, it isn’t an option!
Correct. After believing in and confessing Jesus plus repenting of sin, the gospel must be obeyed in baptism for sins to be forgiven.
Why do you say it isn’t necessary to believe and publicly confess your belief in Jesus and also repent of your sin to be saved from sin?
Correct. God’s plan of salvation is specific, it follows a logical sequence, all commands are necessary. There is only one way, Jesus is the way. Man-made shortcuts or alternate routes are all forms of disobedience, are sinful and will not lead to eternal life.
Correct. In baptism you are washed by the blood of Jesus, and you come up/out of the water without sin, a new person, and the Lord adds you to His church, the saved!
How are you saved if not by obedience to the gospel of Jesus?
Correct. Hearing and believe the gospel is necessary, but salvation is not realized until the gospel is obeyed.
At what point does a person receive forgiveness for sins they have committed?
Correct. Forgiveness is what we need, but it isn’t received until we prove our faith in gospel obedience.
How did those who obeyed the gospel become part of the church/the saved?
How does God call people today if not through the gospel of Jesus Christ?
Correct! Paul clearly states the Gospel he delivered to them, which he received by inspiration, is the method God uses to call those who are willing to listen.
Correct! An accurate and complete understanding will lead to a baptism acceptable to God.
How can your understanding be complete, yet your baptism/immersion be wrong?
Correct! A proper understanding of the gospel and the form of baptism must both be right for a baptism to please God.
How can an incomplete understanding of the gospel and baptism result in a baptism acceptable to God?
Why would being baptized/immersed again be necessary if they accurately understood the gospel, the purpose of baptism and followed God’s way of being baptized the first time?
Correct! Your understanding of the gospel is only as accurate and complete as the teaching you have received.
How could incomplete teaching on a subject lead anyone to a full, complete, and accurate understanding of that subject?
Correct! They did not understand the gospel when they were baptized into John’s baptism!
How do you know they were not baptized more than once?
Correct. Some believers in Ephesus had only been baptized into the baptism of John. As soon as they understood the necessity of being baptized in the Name of Jesus, they were baptized again to comply fully with the Gospel.
Correct! You understand the importance and significance of repenting after hearing and being taught the Gospel.
Correct! It is impossible to believe the Gospel if you have not heard it and have not been taught the meaning, significance, and purpose of the Gospel.
Correct! In baptism we are buried with Jesus as He too was buried. As God raised Jesus from death (the grave), He raises us from our spiritual death.
Correct, Philip did not simply get a cup to pour some water, but both got in the water so the eunuch could be baptized.
Correct, they know they are guilty of disobeying God. They are not proud of their sins but choose to be honest and confess to God and to men!
Why do you believe it is impossible to die to sin and live to righteousness through Jesus?
Correct. Jesus makes it possible for a person to no longer live in sin and to start living righteously!
What did Jesus accomplish for us when He did upon the cross?
Correct. By living a perfect life in the flesh and dying on a cross as a sacrifice for our sins, He bore our sins so we can be reconciled and saved by His life.
Correct. Jesus died for those who know they are hopelessly lost and cannot save themselves!
Why would Jesus die for someone who believes they are righteous without Him?
Correct! All sinners who die in their sin, no matter what the sin, will be found in the lake of fire.
Correct, God knows the righteous judgement is coming and He desires everyone to be saved.
Why would God not want you to repent?
Correct, realizing our words or actions displeased God should cause us to try that much harder to avoid such things.
What does Godly sorrow produce if not repentance?
Correct! Worldly sorrow won’t produce repentance leading to salvation.
How would you describe people who say they have never sinned?
Who, other than Jesus, has not or does not sin?
What does the future hold for those who believe in Jesus?
Correct, and He is now preparing to receive us so we can be with Him forever.
Awesome! The gospel saves when you hear the good news, believe the good news, obey the good news and do not fall away (hold fast).
Wonderful! Jesus is the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him!
Correct, he/she can! Becoming obedient and staying obedient are two separate choices.
Correct. Believing the gospel after hearing it is excellent but if there is no reaction, if you don’t change, if you don’t obey, is the believing real?
What suggests belief alone is adequate for salvation? Wouldn’t that mean demons who believe in Jesus are also saved? See James 2:19-20.
Correct. Hearing the gospel is a good start but that alone is not enough to save anyone.
Why would hearing the gospel without any specific reaction to the message save the hearer?
What does Jesus want His followers to do?
What are the most import things I should know and do if Jesus is the only way to where I want to go?
How could there be many ways when Jesus says He is the only way?
Correct. The signs (miracles) were proof that Jesus was from God and that God was with Jesus.
How was Jesus able to do miracles if He was not from God or if God was not with Him?
According to Jesus, what must a person do to see the kingdom of heaven?
Correct. Jesus said entering God’s kingdom REQUIRES a person to be born again, that is, to be born of water and Spirit.
According to Jesus, what must a person do to enter the kingdom of heaven?
Correct! A similar description is found in 1 Corinthians 6:11; Titus 3:5 and Ephesians 5:26
Correct. Like it or not, the kids are listening, watching and learning and they are easily influenced by parents because they spent so much time with their parents. It is up to the parents if they are a good or bad role model!
Why would a godly woman have greater concern for outward appearance than the condition of her heart?
What suggests Rebekah did not comfort Isaac?
Correct. That is what the Bible says about Rebekah, the wife chosen with God’s help.
Correct. Man did not find a compatible helper among all the created animals and birds. However, he expresses amazement and great joy when God brings him the woman created from his rib.
Correct. Marriage is a lifelong commitment to each other and to God. Approaching marriage from that perspective means impulsive actions should be replaced with prayer and thoughtfulness.
Correct. It is important to recognize God designed physical needs and that God’s gift of marriage where these needs can be satisfied.
Who does have power and authority over her husband’s body?
Correct. They each must submit their bodies to one another because in marriage they became one flesh.
Why wouldn’t marriage help people avoid fornication.
Correct. Satan knows how to weaken our self-control. To avoid such a problem concerning physical needs, marriage is the better solution.
Why wouldn’t a wife’s heart and quiet spirit be powerful?
Correct. This gives her the power to win her husband to Christ.
Why is it wrong to say a wonderful wife is a crown to her husband?
Correct. She is his special gift from God.
Why would God want a husband to stay with his parents even after he has married and started his own family?
Correct. His focus must shift to his own family and their needs.
Correct. God said it was not good for man to be alone. Without a woman mankind with have remained just one man!
Why would God say it is not good for man to be alone?
Why would it be ok for a husband to not love his wife?
How is love expressed without obedience?
Correct. Disobedience proves there is no love.
Who should be the spiritual leader in the home if not the father?
Correct. That is his God given responsibility. Failure could result in the souls of his family being eternally lost.
Why would a loving father allow his children to be spoiled, unruly, undisciplined, and without a spiritual foundation?
Correct. True love means doing what is best for them, so they are equipped to please and obey God.
Correct. A love that includes putting himself in harm’s way to protect her.
Correct. Sarah obeyed Abraham and willingly acknowledged him as her master.
What would happen in a home where children are not loved by their mother?
Correct. This is very natural for most women, but older women can encourage a mother when this love seems to be lacking or misdirected.
Why isn’t it important or necessary for a wife to love her husband?
Correct. And older women should encourage a wife to love her husband.
Who would have greater influence on children than their parents concerning spiritual priority?
Correct. Nothing is more important for us than loving God our Creator!
What benefit would it be to love family more than God?
Why isn’t loving God more important than loving each other?
Correct. This is the first purpose and priority of mankind.
What would possibly happen if either separated themselves whenever they wanted and for as long as they wanted?
Correct. This is to be discussed and agreed to beforehand. Even then, it should only be for a short period.
Correct. Husband and wife have a mutual responsibility to one another concerning love and sexual needs.
What is the wife’s responsibility to her husband concerning physical needs?
What suggests God’s intended purpose of marriage is something different?
What is a better description of God’s expectation for the husband and wife?
Correct. That is how God describes marriage in Genesis 2:24.
Why would God desire the husband and wife to ignore each other’s physical needs?
What command does God place on the wife concerning the home and how it should function?
When is it acceptable for the wife to not be in subjection to her husband?
Correct. Exceptions and exclusions are all removed when God says to be subject in everything.
Correct. The husband is to be the head of his wife. The perfect example of headship is Christ being the head of His body, the church.
What scripture suggests God desires the wife to be the head of her husband?
Correct. God has made the husband the head of the home, he must take responsibility for the home. His wife submits to her husband out of respect for the responsibility he was given and out of respect for God.
How could doing something you are told not to do be anything but disobedience, that is, not complying with the command?
Correct. She chose to disobey God because of her own lust after being persuaded by Satan.
How could this statement be false after reading Genesis 2:16-17?
Correct. They were permitted to eat from all the other trees, but eating this forbidden fruit would bring death.
Correct. Claiming to be godly while flaunting worldly immodesty or excess is hypocritical. The heart of a godly woman strives to bring attention to Christ, not self.
Correct. That is the opposite of what God desires and even commands.
How does being obnoxious, rude, and uncontrolled bring glory to God?
How would fancy clothing be more valuable than good works if you are striving to draw people to Christ?
Correct. Good works point others to God and modest dress will not be a distraction.
How should a woman dress, especially one claiming to be Godly?
Correct. Modesty in outward appearance is important but the content of one’s heart is much more important.
What type of spirit would be more precious in God’s sight?
Correct. We determine a person’s character by external actions, while God looks into their heart and sees what motivates that action. A gentle and quite spirit is precious to God.
Why is it impossible for a Christian wife to change her husband’s heart so he too becomes an obedient believer in Christ?
Correct. It is possible when the wife consistently thinks, talks, and acts like a true Christian faithfully living life.
Correct. Priscilla and her husband were tentmakers and they even worked with Paul for a while.
Why would she not be a tentmaker working alongside her husband and even Paul for a while?
Why would Sarah call Abraham lord if she would not obey him?
Seven years sounds like a long time, but how long did it feel to Jacob?
Correct. In today’s fast paced world most would not consider 7 years as only a few days!
What suggests a foolish wife would not destroy the home?
Correct. She will destroy the home single-handedly, by her foolishness.
What effect should a wife have on the home?
Correct. The Bible says she is “like” rottenness to his bones. She is like a cancer destroying him.
Correct. She builds it up; makes it better; makes it stronger!
How would you describe the impact on a husband if the wife causes him shame?
Correct. As head of the family, the spiritual wellbeing of the family is his highest priority.
How does cursing God and giving up on life show thankfulness and be considered a form of praising God.
How do you view the actions of Jezebel concerning the land owned by Naboth which her husband desired?
Correct. She disobeyed a command of God by having Naboth murdered in order to please her husband.
Correct. She was angry at Job for remaining faithful to God, so she encouraged Job to sin.
How could Eve’s actions not be considered disobedience to a God given command?
Correct. Eve listened to the devil instead of God and then gave forbidden fruit to Adam.
What is a better role for a wise wife to the home and in the family?
Correct. By God’s design a woman is better at managing the home while a man’s physical strength makes him better at providing for his family. However, today’s technology means many jobs don’t require physical strength and enables a person to work from home, making it possible for husband and wife to easily support one another for the benefit of the family.
Why would her children not be thankful and why would her husband not honor her?
Correct. As children grow up, they realize the value and impact of their mother in preparing them for the future, while the husband recognizes the importance and support of his wife.
How should a wise wife treat her husband?
Correct. A virtuous wife can be trusted and will do what is right to help her husband and not do evil to harm him or the family.
Why shouldn’t a husband be able to trust his wife?
Correct. A virtuous wife can always be trusted.
Why wouldn’t a virtuous wife be a crown of gladness to her husband?
Correct. A woman with strong character is a crown of joy and gladness.
Correct. God gets credit for creating a helper for man and his wife is prudent and sensible because she is allowing God to guide her
Where should a husband find his greatest joy and satisfaction?
What makes this a false statement given the words found in Proverbs 18:22?
Who deserves credit when a man finds a prudent/sensible woman willing to marry him?
Correct. This Bible truth suggests finding a wife is work. Compatibility is not automatic, understanding your preferences and how to detect them takes patience and thoughtfulness. Marriage does not come with a trial period or return guarantee.
Correct. There is much physical joy and fulfilment in marriage, and this is only pleasing to God when between husband and wife.
What might be a better arrangement for a husband and wife to exist together?
Correct. Although a few men do not marry by choice or circumstance, most men are naturally attracted to and strongly desire a wife for companionship and for the joy of raising a family together.
What would happen to mankind if most men felt complete and fully satisfied without the companionship of a wife?
Correct. Marriage is a commitment that is easy to keep because God designed it and God made you to become one physically, emotionally and spiritually. She is his perfect helper!
How strong would a marriage be if the husband shows more love and devotion for his parents than he does for his wife?
Correct. After marriage the bond between husband and wife comes before the bond the husband had with his parents.
How did woman come into existence if God’s word must be rejected?
How do you interpret Adam’s comment recorded in Genesis 2:23?
What is a more accurate explanation for the beginning of man, animals and birds?
Correct. God formed woman from the one rib he took out of man.
Correct. Genesis 1 suggests God speaks everything into existence. Genesis 2 provides additional creation details concerning the man, other mammals, and birds.
Correct. By God’s design the man needed a woman, someone compatible to him to be his helper to fulfill God’s purpose for mankind.
What would be good about man existing without a woman, his helper, his wife, his companion, and his friend?
Who should be the spiritual leader for the family?
Why shouldn’t the husband be the head of his family?
Correct. It is the husband’s responsibility to lovingly guide his family through life, so everyone’s talent and full potential brings honor to God and secures eternal life.
Who becomes a child’s role model, if parents neglect this opportunity?
Correct. Christian parents are to train up a child, Proverbs 22:6, and the most impactful lessons come from watching mom and dad live life.
What is the best solution to avoid the sin of sexual immorality?
Correct. Natural attractions and desires require self-control. Marriage is the best solution to avoid the sin which could result if self-control is weak.
How and when did the concept of marriage begin?
Correct. Marriage between a man and a woman was designed by God.
Correct. Prayer is helpful in all situations unless it is simply for show. A God pleasing marriage where husband and wife honor God with their respective roles will not negatively impact the effectiveness of their prayers.
Correct. By God’s design, a man and a woman become one flesh in marriage for as long as they both live. God hates divorce, Malachi 2:16. Fornicators and adulterers will be judged, Hebrews 13:4.
Why wouldn’t or shouldn’t a Christian husband help his family go to heaven?
What should a Christian husband and wife be seeking as they live life together?
Correct. As Christ loved His ‘body’, the church, so a husband ought to love his own ‘body’ which is his wife.
Correct. The love God commands a husband to have for His wife can only be practiced by understanding Christ’s love for His church.
Why would prayer not be helpful in marriage?
What influence do loving parents have on their children?
Correct. A loving husband and wife serve as good role models for their children and for all who associate with them.
What is God’s design for marriage?
What is your reaction to God’s demonstrated love?
Correct. God’s love is demonstrated in so many ways, our natural response is loving Him in return.
Correct. As the spiritual leader in the home his number one priority is making sure the whole family is on the path leading to that eternal heavenly home.
Who should be the spiritual leader in the home?
Correct. Ephesians 5:23 and Colossians 3:18 assigns leadership in the home to the husband. This starts with spiritual leadership if he is truly seeking those things that are above.
What would be more important for them to put first in their life?
Correct. If Jesus and the church are first, all other things will automatically fall into their proper place.
Correct. All Christians stay strong by focusing on where they want to be and the Christ who is there and makes it possible.
Correct. Christians are in Christ, they are His body, and they are unified under His headship.
What is a better description of how a Christian husband should love his wife.
Correct. The love a Chistian husband has for his wife (and himself) is without limit.
How does Paul help us understand the relationship of Christ and His church?
Correct. The relationship of Christ and His church is like that perfect husband and wife relationship we all can visualize and strive to attain.
What great mystery is Paul talking about in Ephesians 5:32?
What evidence suggests Jesus does not nourish and cherish His body, the church?
Correct. Not only did He die for the church, but He also provided everything the church needs to thrive and grow while advocating continually for her in heaven.
Correct. No one ever hates their own flesh.
How can anyone hate their own flesh?
Why wouldn’t a Christian husband who loves his wife be loving himself at the same time?
Correct. Since marriage has made the two into one, loving one is loving both.
Why shouldn’t a husband love his wife as he loves his own body?
How could a husband love his wife without knowing or understanding her needs?
Correct. God’s word commands, and Jesus demonstrated, what that love looks like by giving Himself for the church.
How could a man properly love his wife if he does not know what proper love looks like, feels like or what it does or does not do?
Correct. The love Christ has for His bride, the church, was demonstrated by His willingness to be sacrificed so her most important need, the need to be holy, could be realized.
A husband who understands and fulfills his wife’s most important needs will please God and lead both to eternal life.
Why did Jesus willingly die on the cross to save those in His church if He didn’t love the church?
Correct. The church was purchased with Christ’s blood (death) because He loved those willing to follow and obey Him. The church is His bride.
What does God’s word command concerning a husband loving his wife?
Correct. This subjection is God’s design. And like the relationship between Christ and His church, the body recognizes the overwhelming love and personal sacrifice the Head has made so subjection continues automatically, not something dictated or demanded.
What is a better approach for a husband and wife?
What is a more God-pleasing arrangement for a family?
Correct. That is God’s design for the home, a design also seen by the role of Christ and His church.
What makes this a false statement since the Bible says it? God knows how we are created, so why wouldn’t this be true?
Correct. Satan knows our weaknesses and tries to persuade us that satisfying personal desires has great value and not necessarily outside God’s plan for man. Satan wants to destroy our self-control.
Why wouldn’t both husband and wife have this obligation to each other?
Correct. Marriage is a lifetime commitment with God given responsibilities for both husband and wife.
What biblical evidence shows the husband is not responsible to his wife in this way?
Correct. Marriage is a lifetime commitment with God given responsibilities.
What better way is there to avoid fornication?
Correct. God created a natural attraction between a man and a woman for them to become one in marriage. Without self-control this natural attraction and desire could lead to sin.
What evidence suggests fornication and adultery is acceptable to God and will not be judged by Him?
Correct. God created and authorized intimate relations between a man and a woman when they are married to each other. However, such intimacy outside of marriage is not authorized by God and those who do such will be judged by Him. Galatians 5:19-21 makes it clear those who practice adultery and formication will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Why shouldn’t marriage between a man and a woman be something everyone honors?
Correct. Marriage is honorable. It is God’s design for a man and a woman to support and strengthen one another and to be fruitful and multiply.
Correct. A Christian husband must love his wife. It is a command, it isn’t an option, it is consistent in good times and in bad times.
Correct. A godly husband understands God’s design and purpose for marriage and understands how blessed he is to have a wife provided to him by God.
Correct. Jesus had to live as a man under the law, faithfully keep that law, and then be offered as a perfect lamb as our sacrifice. God has said, “Without the shedding of blood there can be no forgiveness of sin.” See Hebrews 9:22.
What is loving about retaliating when wronged or being suspicious of motive whenever someone says something?
Why would it be unwise for younger women to learn how to love her husband from older women?
Correct. Experience, if used correctly, is a great teacher. An older Christian woman has much constructive experience to encourage and guide a younger woman.
Correct. Biblical love includes this according to 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.
Correct. Biblical love includes this according to 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.
Correct. Biblical love includes this according to 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.
What is love if it isn’t something you do and practice daily?
Correct. It is more than a feeling that comes and goes; it is a natural attraction that grows daily by choice and with purpose.
Why wouldn’t biblical love have these characteristics?
Why wouldn’t biblical love have these characteristics?
Why wouldn’t this be a good definition of love described in the Bible?
Why doesn’t biblical love help a husband from becoming bitter?
Correct. Biblical love corrects the attitudes and reactions that might lead to bitterness.
How would it please God if a husband decided to stop loving his wife?
Why aren’t Christian husbands and Christian wives heirs of the grace of life?
Correct. Because husband and wife are both hires to the grace of life, they also understand their relationship to one another impacts their individual relationship with God.
What would be wrong about honoring a wife as the weaker vessel?
Correct. A Christian husband understands God’s creation and the responsibilities God has assigned to all that was created. The Christian husband takes responsibility for honoring his wife with her special capabilities and protecting her, especially when she is vulnerable.
Correct. God made us in His image, but we each have our own unique characteristics. A Christian husband respects the similarities and differences and strives to appreciate his wife’s views from her perspective.
What responsibility should a husband assume when it comes to understanding his wife?
What is inappropriate or undesirable about husbands living with their wives in an understanding way?
Correct. The home is a team effort, not a dictatorship, requiring mutual respect and honor. An appreciation for each other’s perspective and understanding is necessary, and the urgency falls upon the husband, God’s designated leader in the home.
Why would a Christian husband not consider his wife a special blessing?
What can a husband expect when he selects a good wife?
Correct. A wise husband selects a virtuous wife which will result in both having great gain in their shared life.
Why would it be unwise for a husband to trust his wife?
Correct. A virtuous wife is a blessing, and her wise husband knows in his heart that she can be fully trust.
What kind of love could so easily become hopeless and be ready to give up and give in?
How could anyone be considered sinless, that is, having never disobeyed a command from God?
Correct. God designed man and woman so one man could/would be joined to one woman. The commitment they made to each other fulfilled God’s intended purpose for them. Their commitment to each other was also a commitment with God the creator and definer of life.
Correct. The husband and wife are joined together for God’s purpose. It is a serious lifelong commitment with God and it comes with disastrous consequences when God’s intended purpose is not respected.
Correct. A man should always respect and love his parents, but once he is married, his wife and the family they have become is a greater love and priority in his life for the rest of life.
How could this statement be false when Genesis 1:27 and Matthew 19:4 says God made them male and female?
How could the joining together of a man and a woman exclude God when God created them for that indissoluble purpose?
How can a husband join his wife if they don’t become one flesh?
Why would a man leave his parents to be joined to a wife if his parents mean more to him than a wife?
Correct. God made mankind male and female. This identity is known at birth; is not altered by mental choice or bodily mutilation.
What scriptures suggest our spiritual salvation did not require the death of Jesus?
How could we enjoy spiritual salvation without God giving His Son as a sacrifice for our sin?
Correct. There was nothing we could do by ourselves to solve our sin problem, the problem that prevented spiritual salvation.
Correct. We were all guilty, no one was without sin, when Jesus was crucified.
Why would God send His Son to the earth for us to have eternal life if He did not love us?
Correct. God’s love for man and His desire to save mankind from their sins was so great He willingly sacrificed His Son to save us.
Correct. Christian love will never fail, that is, come to an end. However, Paul does list special spiritual gifts which will soon be coming to an end.
How does love fail? Paul says love never fails, never ends, 1 Corinthians 13:8. However, Paul does list special spiritual gifts which will be coming to an end.
Correct. Christian love hopes/expects God’s good gifts for all, brethren and fellow men. The expectation is that God’s grace will conquer and win. And even under trials Christians do not lose heart or become discouraged.
Correct. Christians willingly turn the other cheek and are not automatically suspicious by what is said.
Why would a loving person dislike truth while applauding sin?
Correct. A Christian’s love is saddened when observing sinful actions but openly thrilled when truth prevails.
How could love be genuine when a person is impatient and unkind?
Why do you say this kind of love is not practiced today?
Correct. Christians strive to practice this kind of love and don’t give up if they fail to meet their goal from time to time. Christians also know love is “walking according to His commandments”, 2 John 1:6!
How does self-seeking, short-tempered and evil thinking strengthen love?
Correct. Love is not self-serving, assumes good intentions and seeks only good.
How does a person’s pride and rude behavior enable love?
Correct. Sincere love does not focus on self, self-accomplishments or self-worth but sees the value of others and is always polite and considerate.
How will jealousy and bragging create genuine love?
Correct. Love is not a competition filled with jealousy and bragging.
Correct. True love is patient and kind but that isn’t the end of the story!
Correct. Regular systematic planned study of God’s word is the goal of every mature Christian desiring to persuade and teach truth to the lost.
Why would a mature Christian believe their faith will remain strong and grow with just a casual or occasional study of God’s word?
What does cause Christian growth if it is not the diligent study of God’s word?
Correct. Growth is based on the diligent study of God’s word.
Why wouldn’t faith grow if a Christian adds what is defined in 2 Peter1:5-7?
Correct. It will grow, become stronger, if you diligently add the items described in 2 Peter 1:5-7.
What makes it impossible for a Christian or anyone to have a mature faith?
Correct. Regular study, not just casual reading, will cause one’s faith to grow strong and be mature.
What makes it impossible for a Christ’s faith to be weak?
Correct. A new Christian’s faith is good but must grow to a mature level, able to overcome Satan’s attacks and to be properly equipped to teach others.
What then is a logical explanation for the footprint you are seeing?
Excellent! This study presents numerous facts which might be life changing.
What prevents you from being open and honest?
Correct! Sad, but not changing their mind is more important than being honest with facts!
Correct. Continuously living like Christ and doing His will means Christ will welcome that Christian into His eternal kingdom.
Correct. Diligent study of God’s word will strengthen a Christain’s faith and remove doubt to ensure faithfulness through any trial.
What prevents someone from becoming a teacher of God’s word?
Correct. If we become distracted and spend less time in God’s word we stop learning and may forget what we previously understood.
How could a crown of righteousness be anything less than a blessing?
Correct! This means we have fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith! We reached our goal!
Correct. Doing this guarantees you will be fruitful.
Why would this make you unfruitful?
Why would it be impossible for us to have the same faith today as the apostles?
Correct! Our faith can be the same precious faith they had so we can all be saved from our sins!
Correct. This is the promise to all faithful Christians!
Why would it not be promised to you if you are a faithful Christian?
Why wouldn’t Paul not look forward to receiving a crown of righteousness when Christ returns?
Correct. Paul was prepared and knew the promise of Jesus as written in Revelation 2:20!
Why do you believe Paul’s statement in 2 Timothy 4:7 is not true?
Correct. Keeping the faith, remaining faithful, striving to be like Christ is not easy; it is a continuous fight against worldly desires and distractions. Those unwilling to fight will be disappointed when Christ returns.
Why would Jesus deny a faithful Christian access to His eternal kingdom, the Father’s house where Jesus has prepared a place for His followers, John 14:2?
What would be required for a Christian to understand the whole Bible and correctly apply what it says for personal living and for teaching others?
Correct. The first principles of faith are easy to grasp by a receptive heart. But spiritual growth and understanding all aspects of living a godly life requires concentrated study to live right and teach others.
What would still cause them to stumble?
Correct. A Christian will never stumble if their faith is active and growing, that is, they conscientiously add virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness and love to their faith.
What prevents a Christian from being absolutely sure about God’s call and election?
Correct. Spiritual maturity requires regular bible study to overcome temptations or prevent drifting back into the old life of sin.
What is essential for a Christian to avoid falling away from God?
Correct, provided we are growing the way we should by routine study and constructive discussion with other Christians.
What prevents a Christian from becoming dull of hearting?
Correct. Christians who return to a sinful life after knowing the truth have already rejected the only sacrifice able to save them.
What do you think it would be like to fall into the hands of the living God?
Correct. God’s desire to save me is only limited by my desire to reject Him. At that point His righteousness and justice will banish me to everlasting punishment reserved for Satan and his angels.
Correct. They would never do that. Their priority would be to proclaim the name of Jesus and the power of His blood.
What could possibly motivate a Christian to show such disregard for Jesus and His saving blood?
What future options are available to save a Christian who returns to their former sinful life?
What do you think would cause a Christian to grow spiritually?
Correct. Christians grow because they meditate on God’s word and are thankful every day for forgiveness and the hope, the assurance, of eternal life.
Correct. Our understanding will grow and our influence on the world will bring glory and honor to God.
Correct. The old person was sinful because he/she was being influenced by the world. In Jesus, sins are removed, and worldly desires are replaced with spiritual goals.
How could I know I’m saved if only based on how I feel? Are my feelings reliable?
Correct. We can honestly know where we stand based on what God says in His Word.
How could a Christian striving to live as Jesus taught be saved if the blood of Jesus didn’t continue to remove committed sins.
Correct. Honestly living the way Jesus wants us to live, striving to not sin, His blood continues to remove our sins.
Why would living the way Jesus wants us to live produce no fruit?
Why wouldn’t these characteristics be obvious in every Christain’s life?
Correct. If they are not, you are obviously not a Christain!
How would you correct or modify what God claims is the fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:22-23?
Correct. The fruit of the Spirit is not defined by man, it is defined by God, and these are His words in Galatians 5:22-23!
What would you say defines Christain faith?
Correct. The Christain faith changes what fills our mind, pierces our heart, and controls our actions so true joy is found in being like Christ.
What changes should be expected when a person becomes a Christian?
Correct. Becoming a Christian is a radical change, a new way of living, a new way of thinking with a focus on eternal life through obeying the words of Jesus and doing God’s will.
How could a person be in Christ and continue living a sinful life?
What will a Christian focus on if not spiritual things?
Correct. Baptized Christians are raised with Christ, are in Christ, and are no longer worldly but focus on the spiritual things that lead to being with Christ.
How could love for Jesus be expressed without obeying His commands?
Correct. Jesus clearly states love is not just a feeling but is something demonstrated by specific actions.
Why wouldn’t love manifest itself daily by what is said and what is done.
Correct. Love is perpetual; it grows and expresses itself daily in word and deed.
Why would love be so weak that it gives up, gives in, loses faith and lets hopelessness prevail?
Correct. Love is not naive, but knows the truth and God’s promises so giving up is not an option, burdens are never too heavy, faith cannot weaken, and hope can never be lost.
Why would a loving God or one claiming to love like God become easily irritated, enjoy injustice or keep record of all wrongs?
Correct. Love seeks peace, forgives and forgets, and rejoices when injustice is corrected, and truth prevails.
Correct. The life of Jesus demonstrates perfect love. His patience, kindness, and never jealous, proud, rude, or demanding His way are characteristics we must develop.
How would you describe love in reference to being patient, kind, jealous, proud, rude, and demanding your own way?
Correct! If we love God, we are commanded to love our brother. If we do not love God, all other actions and attitudes are meaningless.
How would God’s love remove the fear of judgment if I have never responded to His love in faithful obedience nor loved my brother?
Why isn’t ‘loving your brother’ a command from God given the words found in 1 John 4:21?
Correct. That is not possible as explained in 1 John 4:20!
Why wouldn’t that make you a liar as written in 1 John 4:20?
Correct. God loves and wants to save everyone. But if our love has not been perfected by the way we live in the world, the Day of Judgement is something we need to fear!
What will prepare you for the day of judgement?
Correct. Loving God means we listen to His words, obey His commands, strive to be like His Son and faithfully do His will. This prepares us for the day of judgement.
Why isn’t it important to love others when you know God really does love you?
Correct. God loves me and all people in the world. God hates all sin. Because God is my Father and I want to be like Him, I too must love all people and hate all sin.
Correct. God sent His only Son that we might live through Him. God’s love for created man is demonstrated in so many ways. Sending His Son was an amazing sacrifice; undeserved but absolutely necessary for saving you and me from our sins.
Why was it necessary for God to prove His love by sending His only Son.
Correct. A saving faith is incomplete when it lacks brotherly kindness and love.
Correct. This is confirmed in 1 John 4:8.
How is it possible to know God without love in your life?
What kind of faith would you have without brotherly kindness and love?
Correct. Brotherly love means giving preference to the interests and desires of others ahead of personal interests and desires.
Correct. Repentance without change is useless, means nothing, and does not help us become more like Jesus who is God.
What actions or attitudes are a result of brotherly love?
What impact will repentance have on a person?
What should lead us to repentance if it is not God’s goodness?
Correct. Once we understand God will judge according to truth and realize what God has done so we can be found righteous, His goodness leads us to repentance.
What scriptures suggest God is not kind or does not love us?
Why wouldn’t it be natural for a Chistian to be kind?
Correct. A Christian strives to be more and more like Christ every day. Since Christ shows us God’s kindness, we too must show God’s kindness. Kindness may not be automatic for a new Christain but as they mature, being kind becomes natural.
Correct. Kindness is seen in every action taken and command given by God because it benefits every human. Those who prefer disobedience will be blind to His kindness.
What impact do you think brotherly kindness would have on the church?
Correct. Brotherly kindness coming from the heart strengths every relationship, unites the church, and will be something obvious and attractive to people in the world.
Correct. Faith is not a feeling; it is a conviction to be like Christ, godly and showing genuine kindness for all Christians.
Why wouldn’t a Christian’s faith grow to include godliness and brotherly kindness?
What do you believe happens to a person when they are baptized for the forgiveness of their sins and become a Christian?
How would our holiness be recognizable if not by our behavior?
Why isn’t a Christian a saint and why isn’t it important for them to continue living a life of godliness?
Correct. Christ’s blood washed away all sins leaving the Christian sinless, holy, a saint, and with a conviction to remain sinless by living a life of godliness.
Correct. Paul reminded some of the Corinthians how they used to be, but now after being baptized into Christ, His blood washed away their sins. Because their sins were taken away, they became sanctified (set apart, saints) and they became justified (righteous, holy).
Why isn’t it our responsibility to live in a holy and godly manner?
Correct. God is holy. He called us. Therefore, we stive to be like Him; perfectly holy in every respect.
Correct. Our behavior (words, attitude and actions) will quickly determine if we are striving to be holy. Our reaction when we realize we missed the mark in our effort to be holy will also demonstrate if we are sincerely striving to be holy.
How should we conduct ourselves to be prepared when the world is destroyed?
Correct. This is what Peter wrote for all to obey.
Correct. To please God our faith must grow stronger, and this requires premeditated effort. If we stop growing, we become defenseless to Satan’s lies and stop glorifying God with our words and actions.
Correct. No human is perfect even though we strive to be sinless, righteous, holy, and pure. The only way God can see us as a holy person is if we have put on Christ so that God sees Christ’s holiness when He sees us. As we strive to be holy, our words and actions will reflect Jesus, and that means we will reflect purity.
Correct. Our desire is to live in a peaceful environment where authorities let us honor and glorify God as God’s family, worshiping together and doing His will by proclaiming the truth in love.
How could a holy person reflect anything but purity?
How could a godly person not take on the attitudes of God?
Correct. If my attitudes do not reflect God, I’m obviously a hypocrite wearing the wrong nametag!
How should a Christian live their life so they please God and also live peacefully with mankind?
Correct! Total destruction of the world means the end of a physical world and the start of God’s judgement; and we want to be found faithful.
What benefits do you see from godliness?
Correct. That is what Paul stated in 1 Timothy 4:8.
Why would Peter say it if it isn’t true?
Correct. These qualities require time, commitment, and a lot of work to develop. No one can do it for you and no one can force you to do it.
Who has the power and ability to force a change like that on me?
Whose responsibility is it if I don’t have to take responsibility for myself?
Correct. It is a decision I must make, a commitment I must embrace. Others can encourage me, but no one can do it for me.
Why do you say it is not necessary to add these qualities to our faith?
Correct. We must be diligent about adding these qualities to our faith.
Why do you believe a person’s faith does not have to grow over time when Peter says we must be diligent to add to our faith?
Correct. Real faith only comes from hearing God’s word, not manmade interpretations of God’s word.
What kind of faith would come from hearing the forever changing words of men?
Why would it be impossible for a saved Christian to become lost?
Correct. Christians are saved by their faithful obedience to God’s plan of salvation, but they could end up lost if at any time they decide to not be faithful.
Why can’t we have the same faith as the apostles had?
Correct. We can and we must.
Correct. And that is the only way. Miraculous injections don’t exist!
Correct. Perseverance in doing good leads a Christian to eternal life.
Correct. Paul holds up the church in Thessalonica as a good role model for other churches facing persecution and affliction.
Correct. Satan wants us to give up and will entice us with worldly benefits, but we must persevere because the reward we desire is not on this earth.
Why do you believe righteousness, self-control, and judgment are of no concern to us?
Correct. Jesus showed us the ultimate self-control when He allowed Himself to be tortured and to die on the cross. He had the power to stop it at any point along the way, but He used self-control because that was God’s will and to demonstrate God’s love for mankind.
Why are Peter’s words in 2 Peter 1:5-7 not a command?
Correct. “Little faith” only becomes “great faith” by moving from milk to solid food. (Hebrews 5:13; 1 Corinthians 3:1-2; 1 Peter 2:1-2)
What makes it impossible for a saved person to become lost?
Correct. Becoming a Christian was a choice and staying faithful is also a choice.
What other avenues are available for producing faith?
What makes it impossible for us to have the same faith today?
Correct. We can and we must.
Why wouldn’t it be important for Christians to be steadfast, immovable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord?
Correct. These are the exact words of Paul to the Corinthians that apply to us also. This effort will not go unnoticed by the Lord!
Correct. Perseverance, like physical strength, requires work and dedication, doesn’t happen overnight, and could weaken without regular exercise.
If perseverance were easy, why wouldn’t everyone with faith persevere in almost every situation?
What is needed to increase our ability to persevere?
Correct. Each trial has its own challenge, but every time we overcome our confidence increases.
What value is persevering in doing good if it does not lead to eternal life?
What do you believe is Paul’s attitude toward the church in Thessalonica?
How do you describe perseverance if it does not include persistence and steadfastness?
Correct. Continuing toward a goal in spite of difficulty or delay.
How could a person achieve their desired goal if they are not willing to persevere to the end?
What else could possibly be meant by Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 7:5?
Correct. That is the instruction Paul provided for them and us.
What were Paul’s instruction in 1 Corinthians 7:1-5 about if not marriage between a man and a woman?
Correct. Paul provided specific instructions for a godly marriage and how important self-control is for that relationship.
What did Paul discuss with Felix just before he sent Paul away?
Correct. These are the topics Paul was discussing with Felix just before Felix sent Paul away.
Correct. Everyone should be concerned about being right with God, controlling self to remain right with God, and ready for the judgment that is coming.
Why did Felix send Paul away if he wasn’t frightened by the words of Paul?
Correct. Felix became so frightened he sent Paul away.
Correct. Self-control is not something we automatically do, and it isn’t always easy.
What makes you believe self-control is a natural behavior?
Correct. Others can have great influence on us for doing good or evil, but our response is completely within our control.
How could someone else control your mind or your thoughts?
What is your definition of self-control?
Why do you say self-control is not something we must add to our faith?
Correct. Self-control along with virtue and knowledge, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness and love.
What do you believe Paul was telling Timothy in 2 Timothy 1:12?
Correct. Paul knows his Savior and the Savior’s power to help him stay faithful to the end even when persecuted!
What is preventing you from loving the truth?
That is wonderful! Does that also mean you’ve been baptized by immersion for forgiveness of sins and are now striving to live like Jesus every day?
How could a person avoid perishing in hell without loving the truth as stated in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10?
Correct! All have sinned and need a Savior! A sinner who does not love the truth, that is, believe it and obey it, will not receive eternal life.
Correct. The word of God is comprehensive and without contradictions. My understanding based on a study in one section might be incomplete or inaccurate if I don’t also consider a related concept in another section. This requires deliberate, dedicated thoughtful study on a regular basis.
Why are you not grateful for the Holy Spirit guiding the apostles, including Peter?
Correct, and we are grateful God sent the Holy Spirit this way so apostles could help the early church and us through their written words.
Why do you think Peter wrote letters for us to study?
Correct. As an inspired apostle, his teachings were necessary and valuable to those who heard him. His written messages (letters) ensure we also have direct access to his inspired teachings even after his death.
What prevents someone from being influenced and changed by what they study and put in their mind?
Correct. Knowing Jesus, walking with Him through His word will cause us to think like Him and start acting like Him.
Why isn’t it possible for a saved person to develop an unbelieving heart and fall away from God?
Correct. Believing God and remaining faithful is always a choice. Outside influences could convince you to change your mind and cause a person once saved to become lost.
What makes this statement to grow in grace and knowledge simply an opinion rather than a command?
Correct. Continued growth is essential for Christians to remain faithful and prevent being misled by error.
Why isn’t it possible for false teachers to persuade you to accept something that is not true?
Correct. False teachers are cleaver at twisting or gradually revising truth to mislead believers. For that reason, regular study of God’s Word is necessary to detect the error in false teaching.
How does a couple of casual readings of the Bible ensure you are fully equipped to handle the truth it contains?
Why do you believe handling the word of God accurately is not important? Maybe that is one reason the religious world is not united today!
Correct. The Word of God is all truth, but if we use it incorrectly, that is, we don’t ‘rightly divide it’, we could make it into a lie, half-truth or a misapplication just as Satan did when tempting Jesus in the wilderness.
Correct. His word, the Bible, is the source of all truth pertaining to Jesus. All other reference material may be interesting but will contain manmade assumptions. opinions, conclusions that could misrepresent the truth.
What do you think is the best resource for gaining knowledge about Jesus?
What do you think Peter says we should add to our honesty/morality?
Correct. The continued faithful study of God’s word containing the teachings of Jesus, the heart of Jesus, the mindset of Jesus, and the actions/reactions of Jesus in all kinds of situations.
Why isn’t cheating on taxes a sin? If you got caught, would you not get prosecuted for breaking the law and doesn’t God want us to abide by the laws of our government?
Correct. God wants me to respect government and abide by all laws not in conflict with His law. Paying taxes isn’t fun, but that doesn’t justify breaking the law by cheating!
Correct. The honest thing to do is return it to the rightful owner; you only possess it because of an error.
What would justify keeping something given to you by mistake?
Why is it not necessary to add virtue to your faith?
Correct. Our faith motivated repentance and obedience by immersion into Christ. That initial faith must grow by earnestly striving to maintain high moral standards.
Correct. Faith is something that must grow by deliberately planned actions and attitudes.
What scriptural evidence suggests faith is enough and diligence to add something more is not necessary?
Why do you believe Christians today have not escaped the corruption of the world?
Correct! We are no longer on the path leading to everlasting destruction that the world is content to follow.
What prevents Christians from become partakers of the divine nature of Jesus?
Correct! Peter makes it clear Jesus has given us promises so we can know we receive the divine nature of Jesus.
What information not found in the New Testament is still needed to live a godly life?
Correct. His written word is complete and all we need to live righteously and please God.
Why don’t you believe the statement by Jesus in Matthew 28:18?
Correct! Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth!
Correct. That is what Peter said and that is how Paul begins most of his writings. As our knowledge and understanding grows concerning God and Jesus, our appreciation and thankfulness for grace and truth will also grow.
Correct. If Jesus says it, we believe it. If Jesus commands it, by word or example, we faithfully do it. Religious matters are not up for debate and man can never improve something Jesus has already prescribed.
Why wouldn’t a greater knowledge of God and Jesus cause the grace and peace we enjoy to also grow?
Why isn’t it possible for us today to have the same faith as the apostles 2000 years ago?
Correct. Since there is one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord and one faith, we can, and we must have the same faith as the Lord’s apostles.
Correct! That is not walking by faith; it is walking by self and being hypocritical as a Christian.
Why could a Christain claiming to walk by faith go out and do whatever they want to do while ignoring what Jesus really wants them to do?
Correct! God defines what pleases Him and He says faith is essential! Simply being a ‘good person’ from a human perspective is not pleasing to God.
How is it possible for someone to please God without having faith in God?
How can someone have faith to believe something they’ve never heard or how could they obediently do something they didn’t know Jesus asked them to do in the New Testament?
Who has authority today concerning religious matters if Jesus does not have all the authority?
Correct. It is impossible to believe and obey something you’ve never heard. It is possible to do something Jesus wants you to do before you realize He wanted you to do it, but that would not be obedience from faith, that would be luck or doing the right thing for the wrong reason.
Correct. Faith isn’t blind or a ‘gut feeling’. Noah’s faith was a chosen response to believe, trust, and obey what God told him.
How can people act by faith today if it isn’t based on the words of Jesus?
Correct. Faith isn’t blind or a ‘gut feeling’. Today, faith is a chosen response that trusts/believes what Jesus actually said and is recorded in His inspired Word.
How could Noah act by faith if God had not talked to him?
Correct! Noah was a righteous man who walked with God, Genesis 6:9. He knew God, had faith in God and trusted His every word and understood how important it was to obey, not just believe.
Why would Noah trust and obey God if he didn’t believe and have faith in God?
Correct! Noah would have been caught by surprise and unprepared if God had not told him about the flood and what he must do to be saved from the flood.
How would Noah have known without God telling him?
What did God mean by His words to Noah in Genesis 6:19?
Correct! God gave Noah detailed building instructions for the ark and God told Noah the ark would save him, his family, and the animals Noah was to bring into the ark.
What do you think God was telling Noah in Genesis 6:17?
Correct! God told Noah he was going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all flesh not in the safety of the ark.
What makes you believe God’s warning to Noah did not include things never seen before?
Correct. Noah had never seen an ark, rain, or a worldwide flood, that is, water covering the entire earth, even the highest mountains.
Correct. For example, we can believe in gravity because it is real, predictable, reliable and something we trust and take for granted every day and throughout the day.
How could this be possible based on the words of Jesus in John 17:5?
What do you believe Jesus was seeking in His prayer recorded in John 17:20-21?
Correct. It is not possible to watch electricity flow through a wire even though you can know it is flowing by external evidence, such as a light being on or off.
Why is it not possible to have faith, belief, or trust in something you cannot see, such as gravity, electricity or wind?
Correct! Wind, that is, natural air movement, is not by itself visible even though we can easily see its impact and power by the dust or rain that it propels.
How would you describe the visual appearance of wind to someone who has never seen it before?
Water in a river can be seen flowing slowly or rapidly but what do you see when electricity flows through a wire?
What physical characteristics describe gravity to make it distinguishable from other visible objects?
Correct. Gravity is a force you feel or experience but not something you can see or touch.
What value is faith if it is not trustworthy.
Correct. Faith based on God’s truth is not wishful thinking, it is reality!
How can something come from nothing?
Correct, it could not!
Correct! That is not logical and not reasonable.
Why do you believe this is logical and reasonable?
Correct! That would not reasonable.
How is it reasonable for one physical object to require a builder while a another physical object does not require a builder?
Why do you believe this world in which we live is not real and does not exist?
Yes, it definitely exists because we see it, feel it, live on it, and exist in it!
Correct! Someone had to come up with the design, gather the necessary materials and put them together properly.
Correct! It is impossible for a house to build itself!
How would a house build itself?
Why wouldn’t this be logical?
Correct! That is logical even without personally seeing who made the watch.
How can an automobile exist if no one made it?
Correct! It is logical that someone designed and assembled the automobile.
Correct! That is not reasonable.
What then is a reasonable explanation for the footprints being in the earth?
Great! You will enjoy this study.
Thank you! But doesn’t evidence have great value, especially for law enforcement, justice systems, and while seeking truth and selecting the right faith or belief system that could have an eternal impact!
Why will you not consider compelling evidence?
That is great to hear!
Correct! They will not because there is no reason for making a change.
Why would anyone change their mind without evidence to support such a change!
Correct! They will change with proper evidence.
Why wouldn’t they change their mind if given proper evidence?
What would prevent them from evaluating new or updated evidence?
Correct! They will review and evaluate any new evidence!
How can someone with a closed mind be perfectly honest evaluating new facts?
Correct! Not changing is more important than being honest with facts!
Correct! They are not open to other views or ideas!
How could they if they have already made up their mind about everything?
Why would they? Facts they haven’t already accepted mean nothing!
Which of the seven ones may Christians ignore without compromising their salvation?
Correct! Christlikeness means accepting, believing and practicing all that Jesus taught without additions, deletions or alterations.
Why would it be acceptable for Christians to disagree concerning Jesus and His teachings?
Correct! No division, always in full agreement with Jesus and His teachings.
Why do you believe Jesus does not have all authority today?
Correct! Jesus was given and still has all authority in heaven and on earth.
Correct! All believers throughout all time.
Correct! The followers of Jesus must physically live in the world, but they obey Him, not the world.
How can a follower of Jesus also follow the world which is going in a different direction?
Correct! The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit were all together before Creation and participated in the Creation.
Why wouldn’t Jesus pray for His followers to be one?
Correct! They should understand things from the same perspective and arrive at the same conclusions because they all abide in His truth.
Correct. Jesus wants His followers throughout time to consistently sound and act as one.
What do you consider the foundation for religious unity?
Correct. Unity recognizes the ‘ones’, and this leaves no room for ‘my version of truth’!
Why shouldn’t they be of the same mind and judgment?
Why do you say Jesus was not given all authority?
Correct! Jesus was given all authority in heaven and on earth.
How can a follower of Jesus also be a person of the world?
Correct! They are living in the world, but they are not of (don’t belong to) this world.
Where was Jesus before the world was created?
Correct! God the Son and God the Father have always existed and were together when they ‘created the heavens and the earth’.
What makes this a false statement?
Why don’t you believe what the scriptures, such as, Ephesians 4:4-6 teach?
Great! When the Scriptures teach something, we can all safely believe it.
How many are there if not just one God and Father?
Correct! That is exactly what Ephesians 4:6 confirms.
Correct! That is exactly what Ephesians 4:5 says.
What makes this a false statement?
Correct! That is exactly what Ephesians 4:4 says.
Why shouldn’t Christians be humble, gentle, patient, and bear with one another in love?
Why isn’t it important to preserve unity and peace within the family of believers, the church.
Correct. We are to work for unity and peace without compromising the revealed will of God.
Correct! That is how a Christian walks worthy of their calling.
How would you say a Christian ought to live?
Correct! We have been called to one hope and we are to walk with great respect for that undeserved gift!
How would a congregation stay united if all Christians didn’t work together to make it happen?
Who then is responsible for a Chistian to grow and mature?
Correct! All Christians must assume this responsibility. As younger Christians grow, they should respect and learn from mature Christians. Mature Christians should be patient and lovingly teach and study with younger Christians with an open Bible and an open mind.
Correct! Growth is a requirement, not an option. Peter says it this way in 1 Peter 2:1-3 and in 2 Peter 3:17-18.
What then is important for Christians to constantly agree on religious matters?
Correct! When similar beliefs, values, and priorities guide people’s thinking they will reach the same conclusions.
What do you see as the most important individual characteristic or attitude needed for unity to take place among Christians?
Correct! Mature Christians have learned to lean on Jesus in every situation. When everyone does that, unity will prevail.
What should Christians use as their authority to avoid division?
Correct! Let the words of Jesus guide all thinking, discussions, and decisions to avoid division. Opinion and personal preference must yield when Jesus has already addressed the matter.
What then was Paul’s reason for saying, ‘…by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ’?
Correct! Paul used the authority given him by Jesus to stress the importance of being united.
Correct! Jesus said the world would know Christians by their love. Strife and jealousy are a product of weak or non-existent love.
What indicates Christ was divided at any time for any reason?
Correct! Jesus desires His disciples to be with Him in heaven. He is praying here in John as if already in heaven with the Father.
Correct! Jesus wanted unity, not division. A divided church with competing messages confuses the world, it does not cause the world to believe and obey the truth.
Correct! Jesus is glorified by His faithful disciples because of who they have become, because of what they do, and because they work together as one.
Correct. God sent Jesus to the earth so man could be saved. Jesus accomplished His part of this plan to save man.
Correct! He brought us light, died to save us, and is our only hope. We follow Him by focusing on Him and His words.
Why do you say this is not a sign of weakness and immaturity? Paul said this was a sign of being carnal, 1 Corinthians 3:4.
Correct! Paul says they are acting carnal when they claim to follow some man rather than just Jesus.
What other salvation options do Christians have?
How does strife and jealousy among Christians indicate strength and maturity?
What does religious division indicate?
Correct! This demonstrates Christlike hasn’t yet been achieved. Much growth is still needed.
Correct! There is no such command. Peter did say, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remissions of sins”, Acts 2:38.
Where do you find this command?
Correct. The sinless Jesus was crucified for you, not Paul who claimed to be the chief among sinners.
What indicates Paul was crucified for you?
Correct! Jesus is the way, the truth, and the light, John 14:6. The way never changes, truth has only one story and light contains no darkness.
Correct! Some follow John the “Baptist”, some Martin “Luther”, or other men with various names not found in the bible.
Who or what do you say the Christians in Corinth were following.
Why do you say the religious world today is not divided?
Correct. They were following various men, not Jesus!
Why do you say no after what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 1:12?
Correct! They were divided based upon different men who they probably held in high esteem.
What proves Jesus was not with the Father before everything was created?
Why is this impossible to know today?
Correct, the disciples saw Jesus and knew He was sent by God. Because they knew, we to can know.
Correct. Jesus is God the Son and was with God the Father before “In the beginning” when all created things were spoken into existence.
Why would Jesus not want His disciples to be with Him?
What then do the words of Jesus in John 17:23 actually mean today?
Correct! That is what Jesus said, John 17:23, so it is true, even though hard to imagine from a human perspective.
Correct! When Christ’s followers actually talk, walk, and love like Christ, the world will notice and realize this is only possible because of Jesus, proving Jesus is who He claimed to be, the Son of God sent by God the Father.
Why wouldn’t religious unity be perfected if followers of Jesus were actually in Jesus?
What would religious unity be telling the world about Jesus?
Correct! His followers will be perfectly united by Christ when they are all in Christ, that is, have been baptized by immersion into Christ. Christ is God (the Son), when we are in Jesus it equals being in God, ‘all in one’!
Correct. One in purpose, one in priority, one in process, one way, one light, one life, and one love. No possibility of disagreement, jealousy, misunderstanding or strife.
What in this statement is not correct based on the facts you have discovered?
Correct! Religious division creates confusion and, to the non-believer, proves faith isn’t important.
How would religious division cause people to believe in Jesus?
Why would Jesus pray for His followers to be divided into different denominations with different names and different core beliefs?
Why do you think unity by His followers was not something Jesus prayed about.
Correct! Followers of Jesus are made perfect by their unity. This unity, and their common message, will cause the world to believe in Jesus.
Why do you believe the prayer of Jesus that He made 2000 years ago did not include you?
Correct! The words of Jesus’ disciples are still taught today through the New Testament. Jesus was praying for all who would believe in Him through their words, directly in the first century church or the centuries to follow via the Bible.
What suggests Jesus did not pray for those who heard and believed the truth taught by the disciples?
Correct! Jesus prayed for his disciple and for those who would believe in Jesus because the disciples taught the truth.
Why do you say Jesus did not pray for His disciples?
Correct! Jesus prayed for His disciples as also stated in John 17:9.
Why do you say Jesus did not sanctify His disciples in the truth?
Correct! The disciples were set apart for a special purpose to deliver God’s truth to the world. Jesus taught them the truth and the Holy Spirit was given to them so they could recall His teachings.
Why don’t you believe Jesus was sent into the world or that Jesus sent His disciples into the world?
Correct! God sent Jesus into the world for the work He needed to accomplish, and Jesus sent the disciples into the world for the work they needed to accomplish.
Correct! We must live in the world but not be influenced by the world; only be influenced by truth, the Word of God!
What evidence do you have that proves God’s word is not truth?
Correct. God’s word is truth, has always been true and will always be true. It never changes.
Why do you believe disciples are of the world?
Correct! Disciples are foreigners temporarily living in a different country. Their citizenship and allegiance is to their home country, not their current country of residence.
Where then should the disciples live?
Correct. Jesus taught the disciples God’s word, God’s will.
Why don’t you think one of the disciples perished and that this also fulfilled prophecy?
Correct! Jesus tells God He kept them in His Name. Guarded them, none perished, except Judas, which fulfilled scriptures.
Why do you say Jesus did not teach the disciples the word of God?
Correct! Judas Iscariot, the man of sin, the son of perdition (2 Thessalonians 2:3; John 17:12) betrayed Jesus and hung himself.
What tells you Jesus did not protect His apostles?
Correct! Jesus knows the world makes it challenging to stay faithful and to obediently do God’s will, that is, seek and save the lost.
Correct! Religious division does not promote Jesus or His church. Division suggests spiritual immaturity if not outright unfaithfulness.
How is Jesus glorified by all the division within the religious world?
Why wasn’t Jesus glorified by the unity of His faithful followers?
Why don’t you believe it was the normal routine of Jesus to pray, especially for His followers?
Correct! God gave men (disciples) to Jesus who came out of the world.
Why don’t you believe the disciples of Jesus kept God’s word?
Correct! That is the statement of Jesus in John 17:6. They believed the word of God and they were obeying that word.
Where did you come from if you were not born into a sinful world?
Correct! I was born into a sinful world.
Where did the disciples of Jesus come from if not out of the world?
Why was Jesus supposed to glorify Himself?
Correct! Everything Jesus did on earth was for glorifying God. If Jesus was to be glorified, it would be God doing it.
Why don’t you believe Jesus was here to do the work of God the Father?
Why don’t you believe Jesus was given this authority?
Correct! Plus, Jesus was given all authority in heaven and on earth, Matthew 28:18.
Correct! Even a Christian can get caught up in a sin they don’t recognize and therefore not repent. Our prayer should be that their eyes be opened, and their hearts be softened to seek forgiveness.
Why wouldn’t prayer be a way to overcome worry and anxiety?
Correct. Going to God with things that cause worry and anxiety is the best way to strengthen faith and reduce a person’s load.
Why do you say Jesus did not address His prayers to God the Father?
Correct! Jesus’ prayers were addressed to God the Father and that is how He taught His disciples to pray.
What authorizes us to approach God in prayer using any other name?
Correct! Jesus is our only way to God and the only name we can use to approach God in prayer.
Why shouldn’t we take all cares and concerns that trigger anxiety to God?
Correct! We don’t need to be anxious about anything because we can take everything to God and He will take care of it.
Why do you say humility would not help?
Correct. Humility helps you realize assistance is needed and makes it easier to seek God’s help.
Why isn’t humility important when we pray, or any other time?
Correct! God wants us to be humble all of the time and that includes when we pray.
Why is it impossible to improve prayer life?
Correct! We could pray more often, more fervently, more thankfully, more honestly, be more personal, be less selfish, etc.
Why isn’t teaching/learning important for knowing how to prayer.
Correct! It is necessary to know what God considers acceptable and what is inappropriate.
Why not pray for more workers, especially when the harvest is so plentiful?
Correct! That is what Jesus said.
Correct! Scriptures say that is the right way to pray to God. The Son of God, our Savior, is the only way we can access God the Father.
What spiritual blessings do you find outside of Jesus?
What commands do you see from Jesus concerning acceptable places for praying.
Correct! Men should pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17) which means they should also pray anywhere and everywhere. But always for the right purpose, not for the purpose of being seen by other men.
Correct! As we have studied in the Bible, some things hinder prayers, some things are asked inappropriately. When the Bible says, “a prayer of a righteous man avails much”, (James 5:16), what does that mean for the prayer of an unrighteous man?
What scripture suggests God accepts all prayers from everybody?
Why wouldn’t Jesus who lived on the earth as a human understand and sympathize with our weaknesses against temptation.
Correct! Jesus understands and sympathizes with us because He too experienced all kinds of temptations when He was the Son of Man living in the world.
Correct! Unchristian attitudes and behaviors negatively impact a person’s prayer life.
Correct! That is God’s desire, and it is our responsibility to find them and teach each one the gospel.
Correct! Every soul is important and needs to be saved. We are a tool to help, not hinder someone from being saved.
Correct! We should be thankful for their leadership so Christians can peacefully live in godliness and reverence.
Correct! We must express our thankfulness for all men as God loves and desires all men to be saved! By praying for all men, we should become motivated to help save all men!
Why shouldn’t we be thankful for even basic things we often take for granted?
Correct! All these things should make us thankful. No need to be anxious, God will provide for His workers!
What evidence confirms that prayers to God do not have to be in the name of Jesus.
How do Christians know the correct way to pray if they are never taught?
Correct! Disciples must learn what pleases God and must also be taught how to pray to Him.
Correct! Jesus is the only way anyone can be saved and have eternal life!
Who else can save besides Jesus?
Correct! No spiritual blessings will be found outside of Christ.
Why don’t you believe Jesus is our high priest today?
Correct! Jesus is God’s Son and the great High Priest. Unlike the high priests through Aaron, Jesus is a Priest forever, has already entered the promised rest, has ascended into heaven, and now sits on the very throne of grace!
How then do Christians get access to God the Father?
Why isn’t this possible through Jesus?
Correct! And because of Jesus we can boldly go before the throne of grace.
Correct! Jesus gives us access by the aid of the Holy Spirit to God the Father.
Why then is such a claim made by Paul in the beginning of his letter to the Thessalonians?
Correct! The church in Thessalonica had a special place in Paul’s heart, they were important to him, he often thought about them, and he naturally mentioned them in His prayers to God.
Correct! Contrary to many in the world, church is people, not a specific place, not a physical structure you walk into. Christ is the head of the church, His body, the body He will save–people, not bricks and wood beams!
If a ‘church’ is a building, how does a building express words for a prayer to God through (in the name of) Jesus?
What makes you sure God did not answer the prayers of the church for Peter?
Correct! God answers the prayers of faithful followers. It was God’s will for Peter to be freed from prison, and God made it miraculously happen!
What then is meant by 1 Timothy 2:12-14?
Correct! Man was created first (woman was made using a rib from the man) and Eve ate the forbidden fruit first. This does not imply an order of superiority or importance, just God’s desired organization and responsibilities.
Correct! That would not be pleasing to God because it goes against His command/revealed will recorded in I Corinthians 14:34.
What scriptures suggest these are proper (God pleasing) roles for women in the worship assembly of the church?
How do you know it is pleasing to God for a man to pray with his head covered?
Correct! That is the wording of 1 Corinthians 11:4! However, the original language suggests this is a reference to long hair, something “hanging down from his head”
Correct! God expects men to lead in the church as He expects them to lead and take responsibility in the home/family.
How do you reconcile this with 1 Timothy 2:12?
What then do you believe is being said in 1 Timothy 2:8?
Correct! Context suggests this is in reference to public assemblies of the church and these prayers are to be offered respectfully with a humble and contrite heart.
Why wouldn’t a Christian need to pray for forgiveness?
Correct! Faithful Christians still sin and when they do, they must repent and ask for forgiveness.
Why shouldn’t a Christian pray for another Christian who seems intent on sinning and not repenting?
What impact does ill will between husband and wife have on their communication with God?
Why isn’t a husband mistreating his wife a sin?
Correct! Loving and respecting the wife is pleasing to God and an essential part of marriage and the home. Anything less goes against the will of God.
Why isn’t it necessary for a husband to love his wife as he loves his own body?
Correct! Love is demonstrated by the way you care for and protect your body and your wife.
What does the Bible say about a husband loving his wife?
Correct! Just like Jesus loved His church and died for her!
What bible reference suggests Jesus did not pray for those who crucified Him?
Correct! He asked God to forgive them!
Why would praying for them not please Jesus?
Correct! Love them, pray for them, and do good to them. We must show them how God wants people to treat each. That is a powerful message!
What should Christians do for their enemies if not pray for them?
Why shouldn’t Christians pray for more workers?
Correct! There is so much urgent work to be done additional workers are needed now.
Correct! We must be willing to knock and be ready to teach when the doors of opportunity are opened.
What would be a better approach than praying to God about opening doors and providing opportunities to teach the gospel!
What is God’s desire for all men?
Why do you believe Christians are not commanded to pray for government leaders?
Why shouldn’t Christians pray for all men?
Why do you believe God did not answer Paul’s three prayers?
Correct! God did answer, it just wasn’t the answer Paul was hoping to get.
Why isn’t a prayer of a righteous person powerful and effective?
Correct! The prayer of a righteous person is beneficial, especially when it is offered effectively and enthusiastically for the right purpose.
Correct! Prayer is always important to a Christian no matter what the situation. God wants us to pray, especially when there are health concerns.
Why wouldn’t prayer be valuable to a sick and suffering Christian?
Why do you say it is not a requirement even after reading Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:15?
Correct! God makes it very clear that He will not forgive us if we are not willing to forgive others.
Why do you say God will not help Christians overcome temptations?
Correct! We may prefer immediate divine intervention, but as Jesus demonstrated in the wilderness, God prepares and equips us to handle temptations with His word. He helps us when we help ourselves by feeding on His word.
Why shouldn’t Christians pray for these things daily?
Correct! That is what Jesus taught and that is what we must do!
What do you think are significant characteristics of a Christian’s prayer life?
Correct! Prayer should be a natural way of life. Taking important concerns to a loving and powerful God as they happen is what we should do. No need to wait until your head hits the pillow at night.
Correct! How can you continuously walk with Him and not continuously talk to Him?
When or how often would you say a Christian should express thankfulness to God?
Correct! We should rejoice (be thankful) always! Whenever we realize a blessing, we should thank God immediately! Why wait? This doesn’t need to be a scheduled ritual. Make it a serious spontaneous expression from the heart. Continue earnestly!
Why would it be acceptable for a Christian to seldom pray?
Correct! Without faith in Jesus as the Son of God, prayers to God are in vain. Jesus is the required mediator today!
Why do you believe prayers to Mary or various saints is acceptable to God?
Correct! If to be seen by men or for things to have personal pleasure, we miss the purpose of prayer.
Correct! Salvation cannot be found in any other name!
What scriptures support God hearing the prayers of Jews and Muslims who do not believe Jesus is the Son of God?
Correct! Such prayers are not acceptable to God, goes against what Jesus taught about prayer, and until judgment day comes, these folks cannot even hear people alive on the earth!
Why do you believe Jesus is not the only mediator between God and man?
Correct! Jesus is the only mediator between God and mankind.
Why do you believe praying to God ‘in the name of Jesus’ is not necessary, given Paul’s instructions in Ephesians 5:20?
Correct! Since that was the teaching of the inspired Paul, what authority do we have for changing or not obeying his teaching?
Who should we direct our prayers to today if not God the Father?
Correct! Our prayers should always be directed to God, not to Jesus, to Mary or to some other human name.
What then do you believe Paul meant in Ephesians 5:20?
Correct! To God in the name of Jesus, because we are obedient followers of Jesus, God’s Son.
Why wouldn’t Christians need to humble themselves before God?
Correct! Christians must humble themselves in recognition of God’s power and grace that can save them.
Why wouldn’t it be beneficial for church members to be humble toward each other?
Correct! Humility promotes love and harmony within the church and makes it easier to accomplish His will for the church.
How would proud Christians be useful to God in His kingdom?
Correct! God opposes proud Christians. Pride does not glorify God nor strengthen brotherly love within the body.
Why wouldn’t God exalt humble, prayerful Christians?
Correct! Christians who remain humble and draw near to God will be lifted up.
Why doesn’t God extend His grace to the humble?
Correct. Grace is what we need and that is what God offers those willing to be humble.
Correct! God resists the proud, He encourages humility.
Where does scripture suggest pride (being proud of self) is acceptable and is encouraged by God.
Why not, given the words of Matthew and James in the two referenced scriptures?
What scriptures suggest God accepts all prayers?
Correct! Jesus and John each taught their followers, and our training needs are no different than their followers.
Why shouldn’t a prayer include a request for food needed that day?
Correct! Even the prayer Jesus used to teach His disciples included a request for that day’s food.
What makes you believe God doesn’t know what we need?
Correct! He knows exactly what we NEED. We, on the other hand, think we know what we WANT.
What makes you think teachings on prayer and praying are not necessary?
Correct! After being with Jesus, the disciples recognized they didn’t know how to pray so Jesus taught them. By teaching them, He taught us.
Why do you believe all spiritual blessings are not found in Jesus?
Correct! Every spiritual blessing is found in Christ.
Where can eternal life and salvation be found if not in Jesus?
Correct! Eternal life and salvation are only found in Jesus.
What prevents you from obeying the gospel?
Wonderful! You have obeyed the Gospel, you have put on Christ, and you are now in Christ!
What is the gospel if not the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus?
Correct! The gospel is the saving story of God’s son Jesus.
What is God’s power to save today if it isn’t the gospel?
Correct! It is the power to save those with obedient faith.
Who else can save you?
What other options do you see in the Bible?
Correct! Jesus is the one and only way!
Why would someone not be condemned for changing the gospel.
Correct! God’s word is truth and complete! Anyone who edits or alterations it would change it from truth to a lie and they would be condemned.
What indicates the New Testament is incomplete or not inspired by God?
Correct! It contains everything we need to know for salvation and God gave it to us through inspired writers.
Why aren’t the miracles recoded by eyewitnesses evidence for our faith today?
Correct! The inspired Bible record from eyewitnesses is all we need today to have faith.
Why don’t you believe what Paul wrote Timothy?
Correct! That is what Paul wrote to Timothy.
Where do you read Paul was healed of his thorn in the flesh?
Correct! His thorn in the flesh remained even after he asked God for it to be removed.
Why would they not cease?
Correct! They will vanish away.
What do you believe is necessary for a church to be strong and mature?
Correct! Spiritual gifts don’t make or keep the church spiritually strong/mature. That is accomplished by an active faith, confidence in hope and complete love for God and man.
How could miraculous gifts continue after the apostles and those given spiritual gifts through them died?
Correct! Since only the apostles had the power to lay their hands on someone and given them spiritual gifts, that ability ended with their death. All miraculous powers ended when those given this power through an apostle also died.
Correct! For the early church to grow, accurate knowledge of God’s will was needed in each new church in every city. God chose to use spiritual gifts as a temporary solution until His complete will was revealed and documented as we have it today in the Bible.
Correct! The need for miraculous gifts was passing away because the revealed/documented will of God was almost complete, that is, almost perfect.
Why do you think spiritual gifts were necessary in the early church?
What do you think Paul meant when he said these miraculous gifts would vanish away!
What evidence suggests women were allowed to prophesy or speak in tongues during assemblies of the early church.
Correct! The inspired writings of Paul to the Corinthians and to Timothy make it clear women did not prophesy or speak in tongues when the church assembled.
Correct! God is merciful and righteous and does not create confusion. When man’s will opposes God’s will, man becomes the creator of confusion!
Why would God want people to be confused?
What do you see as the normal practice concerning tongue speaking in the church assembly?
What then was Isaiah talking about in Isaiah 28:11?
Correct! First of all, they would be shocked hearing someone untrained speak their language, plus the gospel message would be easy to understand.
Why wouldn’t an unbeliever be immediately impressed hearing the gospel message in their own language from a speaker who doesn’t know their language?
Correct! That is what Isaiah prophesied.
Correct! Signs were to help persuade an unbeliever to believe.
Why would believers need a sign?
Why shouldn’t everything done in the assembly edify everyone present?
Correct! The church assembly should edify/encourage everyone present.
Why do you say it was alright in the assembly if someone spoke a foreign language without an interpreter?
Correct. An interpreter was required! This was not an option!
Correct! They took turns speaking and only spoke if someone could interpret for other members.
Correct! Words that cannot be understood have zero value, no impact, and change nothing!
How could many words not understood be more important than even one word that is understood?
What value is speaking to the wind when it does not listen to you or speaking to people when they cannot understand you?
Why isn’t a bugle making unrecognized sounds similar to someone making sounds/speech that no one understands?
Correct! Love for others is the most important Christlike attribute of every Christian.
Correct! It has no communication value.
Correct! A bugle would not be recognized as a bugle if it produced a non-bugle sound. In the same way, human speech will not be recognized or understood if it is just strange sounds.
Why do you believe speaking in tongues is more important than loving one another?
Correct! Every member is important in the church and equally needed for the body to function the way God designed.
Why would not having the ability to speak in tongues make a Christian inferior to someone who could?
Correct! Only those the apostles laid their hands on received the Holy Spirit with power; and of those God/Holy Spirit determined which spiritual gift was given.
Why do you believe all church members can speak in tongues?
Correct! Members of the church share a such a close bond their individual pain or joy penetrates the whole body.
Why wouldn’t the suffering (or joy) of one church member impact all members of the church?
Correct! Only those the apostles laid their hands on received the Holy Spirit with power; and of those God/Holy Spirit determined which spiritual gift was given.
Why do you believe all church members can perform miracles?
Why do you say the church does not have many members?
Correct! Christians are all in Christ’s church/body but they come with their unique talents and abilities to actively participate in the work of the church/body.
Correct! Speaking a language was for the purpose of communicating the gospel so hearers could understand and believe.
What would be the purpose of apostles speaking languages nobody understood?
Correct! Not every Christian with a spiritual gift spoke in a tongue, but it appears those that did spoke a different language.
Where do you read every Christian in the church at Corinth spoke a different language?
Correct! Each Christian that received spiritual powers/gifts was given a specific power based on need as seen by the will of God/Holy Spirit.
What evidence shows you the same spiritual gifts were given to every Christian?
What was the preaching by Paul able to accomplish in Corinth?
Correct! And Paul was able to teach there a whole year and six months. Many believed and were baptized.
What do you believe made it possible for the Ephesian Christians to speak languages they had never studied?
Correct! The Ephesian Christians received the gift of the Holy Spirit when they were baptized the right way (not John’s baptism) AND they received the Holy Spirit with power to do miracles after Paul laid his hands on them.
What do you see false in this statement?
Correct! Directly from heaven where God sits on His throne!
Correct! God used the miraculous speaking of a language never studied by Cornelius and his family to convince the Jews that God accepts Gentiles and Jews, not just Jews!
What is different about the Holy Spirit coming on Cornelius and his household versus the apostles on Pentecost?
Correct! Cornelius and his family received the Holy Spirit with power to speak in tongues as did the apostles on Pentecost.
What was the purpose of speaking in tongues by Cornelius and his family?
What do you believe was the purpose for apostles to speak in many languages?
Correct! On that first Day of Pentecost after Jesus’ ascension there were Jews from many different nations in Jerusalem and they spoke the language of their respective nations.
Correct! As used here in scripture, tongues and languages are equal, verbal communication.
Correct! They all spoke languages someone in the audience understood.
What are tongues if not languages?
Why don’t you believe the apostles could speak in other languages?
Correct! The Holy Spirit enabled the apostles to speak languages they had never studied so the Gospel Message could be heard and understood in other languages.
Correct! That is what Jesus said and that is the most important work of the apostles and all faithful followers of Jesus.
Why do you believe Jews from other nations would all speak the same language?
How can this be false given the words found in Matthew 28:19?
Correct. There is no mention of Simon offering Philip money for power. Simon must have observed Philip’s ability to do miracles was not something he could pass on to others.
What do you read that suggest Simon offered Philip money for this power?
Why did Simon offer Peter and John money?
Correct! Apparently, he thought he could make money if he had this power.
What was Simon’s conclusion concerning the Samaritan Christians and how they were able to perform miracles?
Correct! He offered the apostles money so he could have their power and lay his hands on others also.
Why did the apostles travel from Jerusalem to be with the Samaritan Christians?
Correct! The Samaritan Christians had been baptized into Christ and had received the gift of the Holy Spirit, but not the Holy Spirit with power to do miracles. Peter and John came to lay their hands on them so they could also perform miracles.
Correct! No one ‘joins’ the Lord’s church. He adds you to His church after you are saved by obeying the Gospel.
How is it possible to join the Lord’s church if the church belongs to Him and He establishes entry requirements?
Correct! Simon had astonished people in Samaria with his sorcery, a special talent of deception/tricks to make something appear different from reality.
Why do you believe Philip was not preaching in Samaria or that there wasn’t a magician named Simon in Samaria?
How did Philip receive the ability to work miracles?
Correct! Acts 8:18 confirms the power of the Holy Spirit is received when an apostle lays their hand on someone.
Why don’t you believe the words written in Acts 6:5-6?
Correct! That is what Acts 6:5-6 says.
What makes this a false statement?
Correct! Jesus said the Holy Spirit would guide them and that they would receive ‘power’ in Jerusalem. This ‘power’ confirms them and their message.
Why do you believe the apostles did not perform miracles?
Correct! And because of their miracles fear came upon the people who heard their message.
Why don’t you believe miracles served as a witness of an apostle’s teachings.
Correct! God used the power of miracles to confirm the message of the apostles.
What is false concerning the recorded miracles of Jesus that prove Jesus is God?
Correct! The written testimony of eyewitnesses who saw the miracles of Jesus are today’s proof that Jesus is the Christ and Son of God!
What makes you think the words written in John 16:13 are not right?
Correct! That is one way the Holy Spirit helped them according to John 16:13.
What is false, the apostles remembering all that Jesus said or the Holy Spirt made this possible!
Correct! No man has perfect recall! The message of Jesus was so important God sent the Holy Spirit to help them get it right word for word.
What scriptures tell us John the Baptizer performed miracles?
Correct! Miracles proved Jesus was sent by God and the words of Jesus proved He was the Christ; this was the message God sent through Him.
Correct! The miracles of Jesus proved He was sent by God for those things would be impossible for anyone not sent by God.
Correct! Scripture does not record miracles being performed by John the Baptizer.
Why wouldn’t the miracles of Jesus prove that He is the Christ?
Why wouldn’t the miracles performed by Jesus prove He had been sent by God?
What would a true disciple be committed to if not Jesus and His teachings?
Correct! His primary focus is getting to know the will and ways of Jesus better so he can be more faithful and obedient in the way he lives.
Correct! He established one church and all who are saved are in that one church because He adds you after obeying the Gospel. All other groups claiming to be His church will be very disappointed when He returns and does not know them!
What makes you believe Christ established many churches?
Correct! Jesus died on the cross and became the perfect unblemished sacrifice for our sins and when we obey His Gospel our sins are forgiven.
What do you think is essential for obeying the Gospel?
Correct! Faith is the beginning of obedience. But then one must recognize and repent of their sins and confess Jesus as God’s Son, the Savior, and put Him on in baptism by being immersed into His death.
Why did Jesu die on a cross if it wasn’t so your sins could be forgiven?
What is man’s greatest problem if it isn’t sin?
Correct! Sin causes spiritual death, separation from God, and is therefore man’s greatest problem even though it is not yet recognized by all men.
Correct! The Ten Commandments were given to the Children of Israel (the Jewish nation) for them to obey, not to Gentiles.
Since the Law given through Moses, which included the Ten Commandments, was given to the children of Israel (Jews), why would Gentiles (non-Jews) also need to obey them?
Correct! God provided His truth through various writers. Their written words were exactly what God wanted us to read and understand.
Why do you believe God’s hand was not involved in the Bible’s development?
What makes this statement about God false?
Correct! One God in three persons.
How would a true disciple have their sins forgiven if they were not baptized?
Correct! A true disciple is not only a believer but is also a baptized believer because that is the only way sins can be forgiven and for the Lord to add the disciple to His church.
Why would God be pleased if true disciples were not actively taking the gospel message to the whole world.
Correct! A true disciple of Jesus is an active worker striving to glorify God by living the gospel and taking the gospel to the lost.
Why wouldn’t a follower of Jesus love others the same way Jesus loved mankind and died to save them.
Correct! Love for the lost and a special love for the saved!
Why wouldn’t a true disciple be a faithful Christian?
Correct! True disciples not only study the Bible, but they consistently live it every day.
Why wouldn’t a follower of Jesus spend a lot of time studying the Bible?
Correct! Scripture can make a disciple fully prepared for every good work.
Why would disciples of Jesus not believe in a real Satan?
Correct! Satan was real for Jesus and Satan will be real for His disciples.
When do you believe a disciple’s sins were forgiven?
What value are feelings if a person living a sinful life ‘feels’ like they are saved.
Correct! Feelings and opinions are of no value when God’s truth is the only standard we must follow.
Why wouldn’t true disciples willingly be a slave to Jesus?
Correct! True disciples are slaves to righteousness and Jesus is righteousness!
Why wouldn’t a true disciple be willing to change, if necessary, to conform with God’s will?
Correct. When a disciple realizes he is not living the way God desires, he is willing to quickly change.
Why wouldn’t a true disciple follow Jesus?
Correct! Believing would have little value if it didn’t result in following.
Why wouldn’t a true disciple be a believer?
Correct! The word has been studied and is believed.
Correct! Believing is necessary, but by itself does not remove sin. Saying a special prayer sounds attractive but that isn’t what God commands. Baptism is a burial/immersion where sins are washed away (forgiven). Baptism is not a special work; it earns nothing; it’s simply a demonstration of obedience and the point where God’s grace forgives sin!
Why don’t you believe some disciples were immersed twice?
Correct! Being baptized for the wrong reason or not even knowing why makes it a bath, not a baptism. A proper baptism would still be necessary.
What do you think is necessary to make disciples in all nations?
Correct! Disciples are able to make more disciples by going into the world and teaching the gospel. Those who hear and believe will want to be baptized and become a disciple also.
Why wouldn’t fruit bearing be a mark of a true disciple?
Correct! And this is how God is glorified!
Why doesn’t the love disciples have for one another show their love for God?
Correct! Jesus loved His followers in spite of their flaws. We love Jesus and strive to be like Him. So, we too, will love one another in spite of flaws.
Why don’t you believe these words of Jesus? (John 13:35)
Correct! Jesus says His followers will be recognized by the world because of their unique love for one another.
Since Christians are still human, why would ‘walking in the light’ mean they no longer sin?
Correct! They are trying to avoid all sin, but unfortunately sin occasionally. This is much different than living in a compromising manner and routinely choosing to sin.
Correct! Anyone walking according to the will of God know they have eternal life because that is a promise from God.
What value are opinions and feelings concerning eternal life when everything we need to know about it is revealed in God’s truth?
How is it possible to continue living in sin and still be acceptable to God and be saved?
Correct! We can say we are a Christian, but if we continue to live a sinful life we are lying and not in fellowship with other believers and God.
Why isn’t walking in the light equal to living life the way God wants us to live as described by His word.
Correct! Walking in the light is equal to practicing the truth as revealed in God’s word.
Correct! With confidence faithful followers of Jesus can know without doubting that they have eternal life. It is not a matter of “maybe”, “I hope”, nor “I think”!
Why is it impossible for a faithful follower of Jesus to ‘know without a doubt’ that they have eternal life?
Why do you say God is not light and sin is not darkness?
Correct! God is light, everything is true and revealed. Sin is darkness, a complete absence of light, where all forms of evil can be done in secret.
Why would the power of Scripture be different for us today?
Correct! Scripture has the same power today. We just need to know it and properly use it!
Why would misuse, abuse or distortion of Scripture not result in eternal damnation?
Correct! Jesus tempted by Satan in the wilderness shows how Scriptures can be misused, abused and distorted. Using Scripture that way leads to the destruction intended for Satan and his angels!
Why don’t you believe the devil is alive/real?
Correct! Paul’s inspired words to Timothy confirm “ALL SCRIPTURE” give Christians exactly what is needed to do
If Scriptures do not equip a Chirstian for every good work, what will?
Correct! Satan used logic, even scripture to tempt Jesus and Jesus responded to Satan with scripture. These recoded events confirm Satan is alive, is real and very active!
Correct! Christians stay faithful because they love truth, respect Jesus, and appreciate all He did to make them holy and salvation possible. Christians who become unfaithful no longer love truth or Jesus.
Why are unfaithful Christians not like dogs and pigs that return to their vomit or mud?
Why isn’t a Christian returning to a worldly state not similar to a clean pig going back into the mud?
Correct! A ‘washed in the blood of Jesus’ Christian going back into the world causes them to again be lost in sin. This is like a clean pig going back into a mud puddle.
Why do you believe a disciple cannot become unfaithful?
Correct! A faithful disciple must continue to be faithful. Going back into the world means no longer trying to follow Jesus. If they are no longer trying to follow Jesus, they are again lost in their sins!
What scripture or evidence do you have showing Satan was not alive and real to Jesus?
Correct! The way we demonstrate our love and appreciation to Jesus is by faithfully doing everything He wants us to do.
Great! Scripture clearly states that the devil is real, that he has angels (Matthew 25:41, Revelation 12:9), and that he is on a mission to deceive and frustrate faithfulness to God.
Why don’t you believe the devil is actively trying to keep us from following Jesus?
Correct! Scripture says he is active and has shown how he lies (that is how he dealt with Eve) and tempts people (Jesus in the wilderness} with things that look/sound appealing but, in the end, is against God and will bring destruction.
Why do you feel people are forced to love God rather than love being a choice?
What does God want from us if not our faithfulness to Him?
Correct! God desires faithfulness and He has done much to encourage our faithfulness.
Correct! We are not robots; everyone has a choice to love or not love God. Of course, our choice comes with consequences!
How should we express our love for Jesus?
Correct! If we are not in subjection to righteousness, we are automatically in subjection to sin! There is no neutral position.
How would you describe man’s position relative to Jesus or Satan?
Why do you think a true disciple of Jesus would not become a slave to Jesus who is the Lord and the Christ?
Correct! He will fully submit himself to the Lordship of Jesus.
How can you be a friend of the world without becoming an enemy of God?
Correct! Friendship with the world requires you to become like the world and that is the exact opposite of what you must be to please God.
Correct! Whatever I choose to obey, that is what I am a slave to. It owns me and controls me.
How can you avoid being a slave to sin if you are not a slave to righteousness?
What do you believe is the center of life for a true disciple?
Correct! Jesus, not the world and all it’s things, guide, motivate and control His true disciples.
Why would true disciples be controlled by things?
Why do you think Christians are to be like salt?
Correct! At least they are supposed to be like salt; faithfully handling the truth and influencing others.
Correct! The teachings of Jesus and his living example become the one guide for pleasing God each and every day.
Why would God be pleased if people put serving self, family and job above serving Him?
Correct! Our greatest responsibility is serving God.
Correct! Physical security is very important to most people and they do whatever it takes to achieve that security. Eternal life and doing God’s will is more important to followers of Jesus. Possessions can easily become a burden and a distraction.
Correct! That is impossible, not just because Jesus said it, but because we see supporting evidence all around us.
Why do you say this is possible even though Jesus says it is impossible in Matthew 6:24?
Why do you feel most people in the world already view possessions as less important than focusing on God’s truth and obeying His truth?
Correct! Faithfully following Jesus is well defined based on the things Jesus taught. When someone professes to be a follower of Jesus and is walking a much different walk than desired by Christ, their following appears to be self-designed.
Correct! If something is really important, we somehow find a way to do it without excuse. Things of less importance or lower priority may or may not get done later.
Correct! Excuses mean personal preferences are more important than doing what pleases Jesus.
Why do you believe Jesus will accept excuses instead of faithful obedience?
Correct! True followers of Jesus always let him lead. Anything less simply means you are not a follower of Jesus.
What examples can you give where preference is given to things with a lower priority?
Correct! Our commitment to Jesus is more important than any other commitment. If we are right with Jesus, all other wholesome relationships should automatically be enhanced.
Why would placing family relationships ahead of the commitment to Jesus be acceptable for a true disciple?
Why do you believe it is not necessary for a true disciple to take up the cross daily and die to self?
Correct. A true disciple makes Jesus their Lord every day, all day! Jesus said this is the way we must follow Him.
What then was the purpose/intent of the New Testament cross?
Correct. The cross was designed for maximum suffering and considered a cruel and barbarous form of death.
What other options are available for a disciple who wants to spend eternity in Jesus?
Correct! Following Jesus is a personal choice which could bring pain, suffering, and physical death. No one else can do it for you. A disciple prefers not to suffer but realizes such suffering may be necessary for eternal life.
How would you describe ‘disciple’ as generally used in the New Testament?
Correct. Disciple means student of a teacher and in the New Testament is generally a reference to followers of Jesus. The term ‘disciples of John’ is found in Matthew 9:14; Mark 2:18, Luke 5:33 and Luke 7:18.
What would properly train followers of Jesus if not the teachings of Jesus?
Correct! The disciples of Jesus will never be greater (above) Jesus.
How could a disciple of Jesus become greater (above) Jesus?
Why wouldn’t a fully trained follower of Jesus become like Jesus in speech and action?
How can division in a family be avoided if some members choose to follow Jesus and others choose not to follow Him?
Correct! Each family member makes their own decisions based on personal preference, desires, and experience. Division and conflict are unavoidable when some choose to follow Jesus and others choose to ignore Him and His teachings.
Correct! It may not always be easy, as Peter learned the hard way! Jesus said He was persecuted, and we too can expect persecution as we follow Him. See John 15:20.
How makes it easy to confess Jesus even when strangers or friends might find Jesus and His teachings offensive?
If a person decides to ignore traffic laws, are they not saying they are more important and are above the law? Wouldn’t the same be true for someone who refuses to do what Jesus taught?
Correct! When someone ignores the teaching of Jesus and choose to follow their own desires, they make themselves lord of their life, not Jesus.
Correct! If all men followed Jesus earthly peace would naturally follow, but not everyone is willing to accept His teaching and follow Him. This brings great conflict, even within a family.
Why do you believe Jesus came to bring peace?
Correct! The teachings of Jesus would guide His followers concerning what they should and should not say or do.
Why don’t you believe what is written in Acts 11:26?
How can a person claim to be a true disciple/follower of Jesus while ignoring the very things Jesus taught?
Correct! They were given a name that reflected their teacher.
Correct! It doesn’t happen overnight, but a diligent follower of Jesus keeps learning and practicing what Jesus taught.
If a true disciple is not a believer in Jesus Christ, what then would they believe?
Correct! Why would anyone choose to follow someone they don’t believe or trust?
Correct! Ignoring the teaching of Christ is equal to not following Christ. If you are not following Christ, you are not His true disciple.
Who do you believe Jesus is if not the Lord and God?
Correct! Those were the words of Thomas. Jesus is Lord (Acts 2:36) and is God (John 1:1)!
Correct! Believing is not a one-time event, it is a continuous walk in His truth while growing in commitment to His teaching and way of living.
How do you think believers in Jesus will live their life if not by following His word?
Correct! Everyone entering the kingdom of heaven will call Jesus ‘Lord’ and demonstrate He is ‘Lord” by the way they live. Saying Jesus is ‘Lord’ is meaningless if there is no evidence to support this ‘Lordship’.
What scriptures suggest calling Jesus your Lord will automatically bring you salvation/eternal life?
How can churches have different heads/leaders and/or follow different doctrines and still be united religiously?
Correct! Christ is the head of His church and there is only one faith that unites us and saves us.
What do you believe the prophecies in Isaiah 2:2-3 and Joel 2:28-32 are talking about if not about the Lord’s church?
Correct! Isaiah says the Lord’s word/church will come from Jerusalem and Joel says the Holy Spirit would be poured out in those days and the Lord’s church is established for deliverance and salvation.
Why would Jesus pray for His followers to be unified if it was not important?
Correct! The world will believe God sent Jesus if His followers are united in His one body, one church, one faith, one baptism and one hope.
Since Jesus provided specific details concerning church organization, what authorizes a church to ignore or alter those details.
Correct! Jesus provided organizational details for His church. Any church not following those details could not be His church.
Correct! It is important for us to worship and work with a church that faithfully follows the teachings of Jesus.
There are many different ‘kinds’ of churches holding different religious views and priorities. Why would Jesus consider each of these churches faithfully following His will and instructions?
Wonderful! Jesus says this is how true worshippers will/must worship God.
How do you believe God should be worshipped and what scriptures suggest this would please God?
Correct! Believing in Jesus, knowing and obeying His truth, and being in Him is the only way to be free from sin and have salvation.
Who does have authority over religious matters today?
What then does the amazing order and design in the universe suggest?
Correct, this perfection is certainly not manmade, nor did it happen by accident!
How could a house exist without someone building it? How could a human footprint be made without a human? How could an animal footprint be made without the animal?
Correct! Neither can exist without someone or something making it.
Correct! Knowing facts before they are scientifically discovered or proven is humanly impossible with revelation by the all-knowing God.
Why do you believe SOME is the right answer, given what Jesus said in John 16:13?
Correct, that was Peter’s conclusion!
Correct, He has! It was about 2000 years ago.
Correct, they were! The Bible says it, so we can confidently believe it!
Correct! Such language confirms more than one.
How would it be reasonable to think the order of the universe happened by chance?
Correct! The design is too complex to think it came from nothing.
What makes this a false statement? (See Romans 2:5-6)
Correct! Christians are not under the Law and are not obligated to keep any of it!
Why do you believe Jesus is not God and/or why does He not have all authority in your daily life?
Great! Jesus is God and we succeed when we turn daily control over to Him.
What makes this a false statement since Matthew 28:18 confirms Jesus’ power and 1 Timothy 2:5 says He is “the one Mediator”, there is no other Mediator?
What scriptures suggest obeying Jesus is not necessary?
Correct! The man God created was perfect and remaining perfect would require complete submission to God’s will.
What makes this statement false after considering all that is revealed in John 1 and then restated by Paul in Colossians 1:15-17?
Correct, with His power we see Him simply speaking things into existence from nothing, Genesis 1!
Correct, as confirmed by the last four words of John 1:1!
How can this be a false statement when you consider all four verses, John 1:14-17?
Correct! Exceeding, like removing, is changing God’s word and something we must not do!
Why do you believe the apostles would not be condemned for teaching a different gospel? (See Galatians 1:8)
Correct! Without inspiration it would have been impossible!
What is your explanation for the accuracy of the prophecy and its fulfillment?
Why do you say Matthew’s account is not true or that it was not prophesied over 700 years earlier?
Correct! Micah’s words were accurate and a sign pointing to the coming Jesus. Herod was told this prophecy by the chief priests and scribes. (See Matthew 2:3-6)
Correct! Truth can make you free, if you will abide in it (obey it) as stated in John 8:31-32.
How can a person live and abide in a teaching they do not know, especially the truth revealed by Jesus?
How is this false since Jesus died and was placed in the tomb the day before the Sabbath and the tomb was empty the day after the Sabbath?
(Note: ‘A day’ is any part of that day for a Jew, it does not have to be all 24 hours of that day.)
What evidence do you have that Mark 16 is not truth?
Correct, He was! The tomb was empty on Sunday, the next day after the Sabbath.
Correct! Belief is essential to promote obedience.
Why do you believe verbally confessing Jesus to people is not necessary?
(Read Matthew 10:32)
Correct, verbally! This is a public confession, not just something done mentally or in secret.
Why would Jesus confess those who are not willing to confess Him? (Matthew 10:33 seems pretty clear.)
Where then must faith and confession come from to be real? (Reread Romans 10:10)
Why do you think Jesus would force you to follow and obey Him?
Why do you believe the church at Corinth did not have members who were formerly doing such evil things? (See 1 Corinthians 6:11)
Why do you believe truth cannot make you free from sin? (See John 8:32)
What then does God desire? (See 1 Timothy 2:4)
Why is this false? (Acts 17:11 tells us what the Bereans did daily.)
Why would God want that? (The true desire of God is found in 1 Timothy 2:4.)
How is that possible given Paul’s statement in Galatians 5:21?
Why do you say no? (See 1 Peter 5:8)
Correct, we can, and we should if we desire to be like Jesus!
What makes this a false statement? (Consider James 1:15)
What then should you call it when you refuse to do what is right? (Read James 4:17)
Why don’t you believe what James wrote concerning this in James 1:13?
Why do you say no? (See Matthew 4:4, 7, 10)
Why do you say no? (Reread Matthew 4:1)
What then are they associated with? (Look at 1 John 2:16)
Correct! A person is only responsible for sins they commit as mentioned in Ezekiel 18:20
What scriptures suggest this? The last words of Genesis 3:6 shows Adam also did what he was commanded to not do.
What then is sin if not lawlessness as stated in 1 John 3:4?
What then are your thoughts concerning sin and its consequences and how is that consistent with Romans 6:23?
How can that since Romans 3:23 makes it pretty clear?
What part or parts of this question are incorrect after reviewing Hebrews 5:9.
What then is your understanding of being in Christ considering Galatians 3:27?
What court would allow such a thing? (Notice Hebrews 9:17 ESV)
What then are your thoughts about the promise of an eternal inheritance mentioned in Hebrews 9:15?
What then is your understanding of Hebrews 8:6?
What then did the apostles teach and write about if not as Paul said in 1 Corinthians 14:37?
Why would you not want to obey Him if you love Him as Jesus says in John 14:15?
Why do you believe this is a false statement? (Reread Galatians 5:4)
Who then determines what part of the Law to keep and what part to ignore, if Galatians 5:3 is to be ignored?
What then is the meaning of John 1:17 concerning grace and truth?
What then do you think Paul meant in 1 Corinthians 13:10 concerning spiritual gifts/miracles?
Why do you believe this is a false statement? (Reread John 20:31)
Why do you believe this is a false statement? (See Matthew 5:28)
What then did God really say and mean in Matthew 17:5?
Why don’t you think we can learn from those who lived under the Law? (See 1 Corinthians 10:6.)
Why do you believe all WAS NOT fulfilled when Jesus died on the cross? (See John 19:28)
Correct! He came to fulfill it, not destroy it.
What then did Jesus say about this? (See Matthew 5:18.)
Why do you say no? (See Romans 7:6 where Paul is speaking to Jews and says, ‘delivered from’.)
What makes this a false statement? (See Romans 7:2)
Why do you believe this is a false statement? (Read again Galatians 3:24-25)
Why is this false? (Reread Galatians 3:19.)
Why do you say the Law of Moses could give life? (See Galatians 3:21.)
What is false in this statement? (Reread first part of Galatians 3:17.)
Why do you believe David was the ‘Seed’? (See Galatians 3:16.)
What scripture suggests Gentiles were not included in the promise? (Read Genesis 22:18 again.)
Why do you think it did not divide the Jews and Gentiles? (See Ephesians 2:14.)
What verse suggests God was with them? (Reread end of Ephesians 2:12.)
What then was a reason for their hope? (See last part of Ephesians 2:12.)
Why do you believe the Gentiles did have Christ? (See Ephesians 2:12.)
What makes you believe it was with the Gentiles? (Look at the last part of Exodus 34:27.)
Correct! God was speaking to Moses in the Exodus 34 reference.
How does He show partiality today? (Read Romans 2:16.)
What makes this a false statement? (Look at Acts 10:28.)
What makes this a false statement? (Reread Acts7:8.)
Who then was Jesus speaking to? (Look at John 8:31.)
What then is necessary for salvation? (2 Thessalonians 1:8 certainly says who God will not be saving.)
Why do you think Jesus did not say this as recorded in Mark 15:34?
Why do you believe Jesus did not? (See 1 Peter 2:24.)
Correct! We only give up things that are bad for us, things unapproved by God.
How can someone repent and not change their mind and actions? Paul said in Acts 26:20 that repenting must include turning to God and doing things that prove your repentance is genuine.
What makes you think a judgement day is not coming? (See Acts 17:31)
Why would God not want everyone to repeat as He commanded in Acts 17:30?
How can they be the same if Godly sorrow produces repentance? (See 2 Corinthians 7:10)
Why do you believe this is a false statement? (See John 12:42)
Why then did Jesus come to the earth? (See Luke 19:10)
What scriptures suggest there are other ways? (Read the last half of John 14:6)
What then did Peter say concerning the ‘last days’ in Acts 2:16-17?
What then is the rock the church was built upon considering what Jesus said in Matthew 16:16-17?
Why do you believe this is a false statement given the information in Matthew 16:14?
Correct, he did by reference to the prophecy of Joel.
What then did Peter say in Acts 2:16-17?
What then was the command of Jesus in Luke 24:47?
Why do you say the church would be established on the teachings of Moses?
How then did Peter know? Reconsider the words of Jesus in Matthew 16:17.
Correct, the Lord’s house.
Correct, the word of the Lord.
Correct! Latter Days as also used in Micah 4:1.
Correct, Jerusalem! Not Rome, Salt Lake City, Boston or any other place.
Correct! Scripture does not authorize, it does the opposite, it prohibits such action.
What scripture says singing is to be entertaining, something you enjoy watching without active participation?
What then is the church based upon if not the words of Jesus?
Correct! All striving to be exactly what Jesus wants His church to be.
Why should recorded prophecy be ignored?
Correct! If a church began at a different time and in a different place than prophesied, it isn’t the Lord’s church.
Why would expect to find the commands of Jesus ignored?
Correct, the Lord’s church respects the Lord’s commands concerning preaching, leading and teaching.
What then determines who is in the Lord’s church?
Correct! The Lord, not men, adds baptized believers to His church.
How can a church Christ’s if their worship is foreign to Christ’s will?
Correct! It is from the heart and consistent with God’s will.
Why then does the Bible say Christians need to come together?
Correct, encourage faithfulness and stimulate good works.
Why would you not want to obey the teachings of Jesus?
That is an awesome choice!
Correct, there is a big difference between calling Jesus ‘Lord’ and living a life which demonstrates Jesus is ‘Lord’.
Why would everyone who calls Jesus ‘Lord’ go to heaven?
Why do you believe there are no false prophets/teachers today?
Yes, we still have prophets/teachers today proclaiming things not found in the Bible or things contrary to what is written in the Bible.
Why do you choose this gate/way? Are you sure you will like where it leads?
Great! That is the gate/way that leads to eternal life!
How will following the doctrines and creeds of men not produce division?
Correct, that will not bring unity.
Why wouldn’t believing and obeying the Bible bring unity?
Correct, it will.
Why is this a statement?
Correct! That is what the Scriptures say.
What Bible verse(s) support baptizing infants?
Correct! There are no examples of infant baptisms in the Bible because infants are not able to understand the gospel, and then believe and repent!
Why do you believe baptism by pouring or sprinkling is based on Bible command or example.
Correct! There are no examples of this practice in the Bible, and neither are a burial.
Why do you think believing and repenting do not have to precede baptism?
Correct! The order is important.
How then is the one baptism described in the Bible.
Correct, that how the Bible describes it.
Why do you believe there is more than one baptism?
Correct! There is only one baptism that saves.
Correct, one faith will not be the result if we listen to and obey the teaching of men.
How would obeying the teachings of men produce ‘one faith’?
Where then does it come from?
Correct! That is how it happens!
Correct! The whole Bible in context is all a church needs. Manmade opinion summaries add zero value.
How does following creed book or catechism show submission to Christ?
Correct! Why would you even consider refusing?
Why would you refuse to obey His teachings?
Who do you consider Lord and home many churches do you see in the Bible?
Correct, based on the Bible, Jesus is the One and only Lord and there is only one true church, His church.
Correct, that is what the referenced scriptures confirm.
What then do you believe concerning the body, Spirit and hope?
Who then is the Savior and what will He save?
Correct, He is to only Savior and He will only save His church, the people in His body.
Why would that make them one?
Correct, they would!
Why isn’t this important for Christians?
Correct, that is what they should do.
Correct! Jesus is the only head, and He has only one body, that is one church.
What scriptures suggest the church has more than one head and there is more than one church?
Why would Jesus not be the head of His church?
Correct, Jesus is the head, and the church (the saved) are in Christ, His body.
Why do you believe the church was not important to Jesus?
Correct, it was very important.
When do you believe Jesus established His church?
Correct, He did!
When do you believe the was church established?
Correct, it was.
What then was Paul telling Timothy about the church?
Correct, it was!
Why do you say this was not according to prophesy?
Yes they did! Just as prophesied!
Correct! Peter said they were witnessing what Joel prophesied would happen in the last days.
Correct, He did!
Why do you say man’s?
Why 70 A.D.?
Why would the church only be for the Jewish nation?
Correct! The church was for all nations.
What scripture suggests it was Rome?
Correct! Jesus said He would build His church on the fact that He was ‘the Christ the Son of the living God’.
Correct, that is what the Bible said.
Correct! That is what some people thought.
Correct! That is not what Jesus prayed for.
Which verse says this is what Jesus prayed for?
Why would you not feel a serious responsibility to be one religiously?
Correct! Knowing Jesus wants us to be one, we must do our part to be united as one.
What then were Christ’s disciples called at Antioch?
Correct! That is what they were called.
Correct, we sing to speak to one another, to teach and admonish one another and we sing to the Lord. Singing together is enjoyable, but the goal is not entertainment.
What then will help believers in Christ become one?
Correct, it will!
Which scripture authorizes use of religious titles and women as public leaders, preachers and pastors?
Why do you say Christ did not purchase the church with His blood.
Correct! Christ lived a perfect life to become the perfect sacrifice–by giving His life and shedding His blood.
Correct! There is only one Savior and He only saves His body, His church!
Since Christ is the savior of His church/His body, who will save those not in His Church/His body?
Where do you see evidence in the New Testament that suggests not taking the Lord’s Supper every Sunday?
Correct! That is what the church did in the New Testament.
Correct! Sincerity is important, but ‘in spirit and in truth’ are both commanded by God.
What scripture suggests sincerity is the only requirement for worship to be acceptable to God?
Correct, since that is what Jesus requires.
Why should religious, social or ethnic background make a difference, if a person has obeyed the gospel?
Correct! Any person baptized by immersion for the forgiveness of their sins has already been added by the Lord to His church and should be accepted as a brother/sister in Christ–background is irrelevant!
Where in scripture do you see a command for ministers in the Lord’s church to wear special garments and use special titles.
Correct! Equal in Christ. No need for signature garments and artificial titles
When wouldn’t the church obey the Lord and select only men for these services.
Why would His church do that?
Correct! Jesus provided specific qualifications for a reason. His church complies even if they don’t fully understand why such a requirement is necessary.
Why would His church obey anyone other than Jesus?
Correct! They search scripture and make appropriate application individually and as a body.
Why do you think the Lord would add unsaved to His church?
Correct, only those who believed, repented, confessed and were then baptized.
Who else is the head or who shares headship with Christ?
Correct! Christ is the only head, so you could say the only headquarters for the church is in heaven!
Why wouldn’t this be a characteristic of the Lord’s church?
Correct! Singing spiritual songs/hymns/psalms so the words can teach/encourage one another and bring glory to God.
Why shouldn’t all believers participate equally in taking both the bread and fruit of the vine?
Correct, this remembrance is for all believers; all participate because all are equal in Christ.
Why would it be wise to ignore the pattern of the early church of the New Testament.
Correct, following the pattern of the early church we read about in the New Testament.
How else can truth be learned for making proper application.
Correct, continually learning and confirming.
Why isn’t worshiping as Christ’s word reveals important?
Correct, and God’s word is truth!
Why do you believe the opportunity to be in Christ is not equal for all people?
Correct! Every soul is equally important with the same opportunity to be in Christ.
What then is necessary to be one with all others who are in Christ?
Correct! Added by Christ Himself to His church, His body.
We are all one and IN CHRIST!
What then would it take for all Christians to be one?
Correct! That is the way for Christ’s body to be united, submit to Christ the head!
Correct! They must not. Religiously, God is our only Father!
What scriptures suggest this is God’s will?
Where did Jesus authorize garments and special titles?
Correct, He does!
Correct! They are rejecting Christ’s authority and elevating themselves as head of the Lord’s church.
Why do you say this is not a rejection of Christ’s authority over the church.
What then was Paul telling Timothy?
What scripture reference support this leadership role of women in the general assembly of the church.
Correct, they are not, if that puts a woman in a position of authority over a man. God’s commands always transcend time, culture or personal preference; it is not about individual talent, skill or ability; it is simply about authority.
Correct! That is what Paul told Timothy.
How can rejection of His qualifications equal respect for Christ’s authority?
Correct! Rejecting qualifications established by Christ is the same as rejecting Christ.
To please God, what qualifications do you believe are necessary for an elder/biship/pastor.
Correct! Since the Bible contains specific qualifications, we must accept them and obey them to be true followers of Christ.
How can such a church be obeying the teachings of Jesus?
Correct! They are not following Jesus.
Correct! The church must follow Christ and respect His teachings.
Why would they have this right?
How then did His church become a reality?
Correct, that is how He purchased His church.
How can a church that doesn’t have Christ as its head at the same time call itself the body of Christ?
Correct, there are all kinds of churches in the world doing and approving things in direct opposition to what Christ taught and commanded.
What more can Christ do to prove His love for His church? He died to save her.
Correct, He does!
Correct! You cannot. All spiritual blessings are found in Christ (Ephesians 1:3)
What scriptures confirm salvation is available to those not added by Christ to His body, the church?
Who then is the only Savior of the church?
Correct, He is!
Who then is the head of the Lord’s church?
Correct, He is the head of his church, and we, the baptized believers, were added by Him to His body.
What then did God do for His resurrected Son?
Correct, that is what God the Father did.
What suggests this is not true about the resurrected Jesus?
Correct, that is what God did for His Son.
Why don’t you believe what Paul wrote to the Ephesians?
Correct, the Ephesian letter confirms it!
Correct! That is when the Lord knows an individual’s real decision to believe and obey.
What suggests the Lord might add anyone before they are willingly baptized?
Correct, Jesus does not. He respects a person’s free will to be lost or be saved.
Why do you believe the Lord would also add the lost to His church (the saved)?
What then was the Lord doing to those being saved?
Correct, the Lord added them.
Correct! You cannot join the Lord’s church. He will add you to His church when you obey Him by being baptized to have your sins washed away.
Where does it say they were joining a church?
What do you see Peter telling believers to do?
Correct, that is what Peter told them to do.
Correct! Man-made instruments are not authorized and do not help us teach and admonish one another nor add more grace in our hearts to the Lord.
Where did Jesus authorize adding man-made instruments to our singing?
Correct! There is no authority to pray to anyone except God the Father.
Where do you find authority to pray to anyone other than God the Father through Jesus His Son.
Correct! They are not submitting to Christ.
Where did Jesus authorize this and where do we see examples of the early church doing this??
Correct! They are not.
Where did Jesus authorize this?
Who then is our authority?
Correct! That is what we must do in recognition of His authority!
What scriptures suggest there are other ways?
Correct! Only and always in the Name of Jesus.
How were they commanded to teach one another?
Correct, that is how they were commanded to teach one another.
Correct! Singing is authorized while man-made instruments are not unauthorize.
What verse is suggesting the use of instruments other than their individual voices?
Where is a piano suggested in this instruction?
Correct! That is what the Scriptures say.
Correct, you can know and understand the Lord’s will.
Why do you believe you cannot understand the Lord’s will?
Why do you believe they were not commanded to sing?
Correct, that is how those who were filled with the Holy Spirit were to speak to one another and to the Lord.
Correct! That would not be following the example or command of Jesus.
What makes it the right thing to do?
Why do you say these are not things they did on Sunday?
Correct! That is what they did.
Why do you say they did not sing a hymn?
Correct, they did.
Correct! That was not the instructions of Jesus.
Where do you see such an instruction?
Why do you believe they did not give on Sunday?
Correct, they did! Just as Paul commanded for this special collection going to Jerusalem.
Why are your thoughts concerning the Lord’s Supper and how it should be taken?
Correct, Jesus defined the right way of taking the Lord’s Supper. All other ways are not acceptable.
What then did the Christians do in Corinth and Troas?
Correct, they both did this!
What evidence suggests this is not correct?
Correct, that is what they did.
Why do you say they did not?
Correct, they did!
Why do you say Paul did not?
Correct, that is what Paul did.
Why would they not search the Scriptures?
Correct, they will!
What did they do who believed and repented?
What then did they do?
Correct, they did!
Why is the number recorded in the 2nd chapter of Acts not correct?
Correct, they were!
Correct, they were.
What makes this a false statement?
Correct! God does not accept every form of worship!
Why do you say God accepts any kind of worship?
Why do you say Jesus did not accept worship?
Correct, Jesus did accept worship!
Why do many good people agree baptism is necessary for forgivingness of sins, but then don’t following the method of being baptized shown in the Bible?
When exactly are you saved and how do you know this?
Is that consistent with what the Bible teaches?
Is that consistent with the what the Bible teaches?
Correct! God automatically adds to His church (the number saved) those who obey the gospel by being baptized!
What value is it to recognize Jesus if you will not obey Him?
Correct! Obedience, not just words, show when Jesus is also your Lord.
Correct. Most people seem to be going their own way and ignoring the gospel and living like Jesus.
What evidence shows most people are going the right way?
Why do you believe gospel obedience does not result in new life?
Correct! Because Jesus came back to life, His tomb is empty, gospel obedience gives me new life after I died to sin.
What then is baptism and how does it relate to Christ’s death?
Correct! Christ shed His blood in His death and in baptism I experience His death and contact His blood.
Why is obedience to the gospel not like Jesus being buried in a grave?
Correct! Obeying the gospel is following God’s command and God shows us how our actions parallel what Jesus did for us.
How would continuing in sin be gospel obedience?
Correct! Sin is the problem and we must die to it.
Why would God give a command that was optional or unnecessary?
Correct! They would not.
What makes you think those baptized more than once had a complete understanding of the Gospel the first time they were baptized?
Why would someone repent before hearing the Gospel?
How can you believe something you have not yet heard nor understand.
What would motivate them to obey the gospel before ever hearing the gospel?
Correct, they had to hear before they could obey it!
Why do you say baptism is not a burial in water?
Why do you say Philip and the eunuch didn’t both go down into the water for the eunuch to be baptized?
What then did Peter tell them to do to have their sins forgiven?
Correct! Peter told them what they must do to have their sins forgiven.
Correct! And baptism is still the only way to be save now.
Correct! Not days or weeks after being baptized but immediately upon being baptized.
What did Peter say to suggest salvation is obtain before baptism?
What words did Peter use to suggest baptism would not save!
What then is Godly sorrow?
Correct! That is Godly sorrow.
How can worldly sorrow do that?
Why do you believe this is a false statement?
Correct, that is what God did!
Why wouldn’t they, if they are honest?
Correct! They are not honest with themselves or others.
Correct, everyone with the mental capacity to distinguish right from wrong has disobeyed God!
Correct! He was tempted but He was never dishonest and never sinned.
What evidence do you have that Jesus was dishonest and sinned?
What suggests all liars will not be in the lake of fire (hell)?
Why do you believe they are not equal from God’s point of view?
Correct! They are equal. Any sin is a sin that separates us from God.
What then is waiting for those who die in their sin?
Correct! A painful remembrance and separation from God that has no end.
Correct! There will only be amazement and joy!
Why would there be sorrow or suffering in a place of comfort with Jesus?
What makes you think Jesus did not promise to return?
What value would baptism have if you didn’t believe in Jesus nor understand how He feels about sin at the time you are baptized?
Keep studying and thinking about it! This is the most import decision you will ever face.
Correct, Jesus will deny them!
Where does the Bible authorize and approve every form of religion and the many religious practices in the world.
What saves us if obedience to the gospel of Jesus is not necessary?
Correct! Obedience is necessary to obtain (not earn) salvation.
Correct! Without Jesus and what He did for us we would receive God’s wrath.
Why do you believe repentance is not necessary?
Correct! Repentance of sin is necessary.
Correct! Denying or not confessing Jesus to others means Jesus will not represent us before God.
What is necessary for salvation if belief in Jesus isn’t important?
What other options exist?
Correct, they either obey one or the other!
Why do you believe this is a false statement?
Why do you believe this is a false statement?
Correct! Someone else’s sin will not separate you from God.
What evidence do you have that supports this?
Correct, they are all important and necessary!
What then should be included when accurately preaching the gospel?
What then were some of the final commands given to the apostles by Jesus?
Correct, they were, beginning at Jerusalem!
What then is the gospel and how is it obeyed?
Why do you believe the answer is ‘No’?
Correct, He did!
Correct! God’s righteousness requires punishment for those who remain in their sins because they do not obey the gospel.
Correct! Knowing God and obeying the gospel are both necessary according to Paul’s letter to the church in Thessalonica!
What then will happen to those who do not obey the gospel?
What then is the gospel?
Correct! This is clearly stated by Paul in his letter to the Corinthians.
What is false in this statement concerning Mark’s account of this event?
Correct, Joseph placed Jesus’ body in a tomb carved out of a rock!
Correct, He was!
What in this statement is false?
Why do you say ‘No’?
How is this false?
Correct, this was.
Correct, He was!
Correct, He was!
Correct, He did!
Why is this false?
Correct! That is what the Bible says!
Correct, He did!
Why isn’t this possible?
Correct, this is possible.
What is false in this statement?
Correct, He was!
Why do you say He was not?
Correct, He was! After they spit on Him and put a blindfold on Him.
Why do you say no?
Correct! Pilate even had Jesus beaten before he found no fault in Him.
Yes, they were! Direct involvement by at least a servant of the High Prist.
Why do you say no?
How could the Jews arrest Jesus without Roman involvement?
Correct! The detachment of troops were Romans, non-Jews.
Who did betray Jesus?
Correct, He was!
What then did God demonstrate when He let Jesus die on the cross?
What part or parts of this statement are false?
Correct! Everyone able to know God’s will has never obeyed 100% of the time.
Correct, He did!
Correct! That is what the Bible says!
How could a righteous God tolerate or coexist with sinful unrighteous man.
Correct! Sin makes us unrighteous, the opposite of and an enemy of a Holy God.
Why is sin not a problem for all men who break God’s law.
Correct! They will give an account and be held accountable.
Correct! That is what it does!
How would God’s goodness make you happy?
How would you know they repented if they continue as before without change?
What then does true repentance include?
What would you have to give up that is good for you?
Correct! He has not.
Correct! Changed mind and action.
Correct! True repentance always includes regret and a change.
Correct, there is!
Correct, God does.
Correct, they are not the same.
What makes them the same?
Correct! Godly sorrow can lead to repentance, but by itself is not repentance.
Correct! Real faith and open confession!
What then would be your desire?
Correct! That would be your desire.
Correct! Worship is more than form; it is conforming with God’s will.
Correct! They believed but were not willing to obey God and confess their belief in Jesus.
Correct! Believing in Jesus is essential.
What makes that possible?
Why wouldn’t they?
Correct! A follower of Jesus willingly submits to righteousness.
Correct! He wants you to follow and obey Him, but He will not force you.
Correct! Jesus said that is what He came to do, and scripture confirms that is what He did.
Why do you believe we do not have a choice?
Correct, we do have a choice!
Correct. Paul says some in the congregation had been like this at one time.
Why wouldn’t God forgive you, too?
Correct, God will, if you obey and change like they did!
Why do you believe these sinners were not forgiven?
Correct, they were! No sin is too great for the blood of Jesus to remove.
Correct! Living obediently requires knowing the truth from Jesus.
Correct! Abiding means more than just reading and believing the word of Jesus, it includes doing!
How can a person who dies in sin be saved?
Correct! Sin is something you do, not something you inherit!
What scriptures suggest sin is inherited?
Why do you believe sin will not separate you from Jesus?
Correct! It can, and will, if we do not believe and obey Jesus.
Why do you believe a Christian cannot fall and be lost?
What purpose of miracles has not yet been fulfilled?
Why would we need to keep any of the Ten Commandments?
Correct! We do not inherit sin!
Correct, sin separates!
Why do you say we should follow Moses?
Correct! We must follow Jesus.
Correct, it is possible to fall from grace!
What scriptures suggest sin is inherited?
What else could cause eternal separation from Jesus?
Why not?
Correct! That is not logical and not reasonable.
How then can you know the truth?
Yes, He does.
Correct, they were!
Correct! God desires all men to be saved, not lost.
How could someone be saved without loving the truth?
Correct! Loving truth is essential as Paul just wrote to the Thessalonians!
Why do you believe they have no choice?
Correct! They had a choice: love truth or believe a lie!
What do you believe will happen to those who do not love the truth?
Correct! That is what Paul states here. Loving truth suggest obedient action not just a passive believe.
Correct! They are still sinful today.
What changed to make them no longer sinful?
Which of these sins are no longer committed today?
Correct, they are!
What do you think Paul said in the first chapter of Romans?
Correct! He did not cause them to sin but allowed them to fall and self-destruct.
Why then can you overcome Satan?
Correct, he is!
Correct! You cannot!
Correct! The Bible says they will not.
Why do you believe this is a false statement?
Correct, they are!
Yes, He did!
How can you correctly understand without study?
Correct! A lot of personal reading and rereading, group studies and discussion, plus practical application and teaching.
What then should we use?
Correct! Three specific ways in the wilderness and who knows how many more times the rest of His life!
Correct! That is what the Bible says!
Correct! That is exactly how the Bible explains it!
Who or what is then responsible when you are tempted?
Correct! Fleeing temptation and using self-control is critical. Playing with it will eventually cause you to fall!
Correct! It is a sin.
Correct! He cannot, does not, will not and He Himself cannot be tempted by evil!
Correct! The sin is not, but sometimes the consequences of a sin can last beyond one generation.
Why wouldn’t a person be responsible for the sins they commit?
What scriptures suggest this?
Correct! He does not!
Why would God hold you responsible for your father’s sin?
How is this statement incorrect?
Correct, that is when man sinned!
How was Eve tempted?
How was Eve tempted?
How was Eve tempted?
What then was God’s command?
Correct, she was! Her natural attraction for something that looks good helped create desire.
Correct! Adam sinned when he ate, not when Eve ate.
Correct, she was! The natural appeal of gaining more knowledge help create desire.
Correct, she was! The natural appeal of gaining more knowledge help create desire.
Correct! That was a command from God.
Correct! They do and the referenced scripture confirms it.
Correct! The Jews had the Law of Moses. When they disobeyed, it was sin. We have the commands (Law) of Christ. When we ignore it or do the opposite, we sin!
Correct! It is not possible!
What sin can you name that does not also break a law?
Correct! Your sin is a result of your actions that go against the commands/law of Christ. The actions of others do not change or add to your personal sin.
Why do you believe sin is inherited?
What then is lawlessness?
Correct! It is!
What makes this a false statement?
Yes, it is! Sin has unavoidable consequences which are automatically earned.
Correct! All have sinned.
Correct! They cannot! Living in sin means you are not in Christ, the body of the saved!
What would make that possible?
What scriptures suggest this is not correct?
Correct! Separated from Jesus, no hope, and eternally lost.
Yes He Is! Obeying Him confirms our love for Him and is necessary for us to be saved by Him!
Correct! We are all one in His body, everyone working together and obeying the Head of the body.
Correct! You cannot!
What legal precedent or loophole makes that possible?
Correct, there is! Something impossible under the Old Covenant.
Correct! That is what the Bible says!
That is right! New, better, more perfect!
Correct! That is exactly what they did.
Correct, they will!
Correct! If something must be obeyed, there is no value in obeying only a small part.
Correct, Jesuse did, as written by John.
Correct! Clearly stated in referenced scripture.
What evidence do you have to support this conclusion?
What then do miracles prove?
Correct, they do! Miracles in the Bible always have a unique purpose to prove, verify, confirm or fulfill!
Why not?
Correct! They were not! They were only given to Moses and Israel (Jews).
Thank you for your answer.
Are you a true descendant of Abraham? If so, which tribe?
What additional proof do you need?
What additional evidence do you need?
What then Did Matthew write concerning this?
Correct! The Old Law was fulfilled, and we now listen to and obey Jesus!
Yes, they did!
What then did verify a true apostle and confirm God’s word?
That is correct!
What then did Jesus’ miracles say about Him?
Yes, they did prove that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God!
Where then are they found?
Correct! The commands of Jesus were spoken by Him when He was on the earth and for Him by inspired men after He assended back to heaven.
What then can or should we learn from the Old Testament?
Correct! That is what they teach us!
What value is there to keep part of the Old Law while ignoring other parts of that same law?
Correct! Paul did not heal everyone, including this co-worker.
Correct, it was!
What new or additional proof is needed today to justify continuation of miracles?
Correct! Now that truth has been confirmed and is documented in the Bible, nothing remains to be confirmed.
What is your proof that Paul healed every co-worker?
Correct, that is what Paul said!
What then are your thoughts about prophecy and how prophecies were fulfilled?
That is correct!
How would a true apostle be identifiable without use of miracles?
Correct, it was!
What then was the purpose of miracles?
How then do you explain so many miraculous events?
That is Great!
That is correct!
Correct, He does.
Correct! His teaching started when He came to earth in human form as the Son of Man.
Where in the Old Testament do you find the commands of Jesus?
Why do you believe this is a false statement?
Correct, they must!
Correct, He Did!
Yes! We should learn to not repeat mistakes!
What makes this a false statement?
Correct! We can learn much about the mind of God and how to live.
What then did happen to “the Law” when Christ died on the cross?
Correct, it was!
What in this statement is false?
Correct, they were!
Correct, it was!
Why do you say no?
Yes, He Did!
Correct, He Did!
What scriptures suggest this?
Correct! They could not be released from something that was never binding on them!
Correct! They were released when Jesus died on the cross.
Why do you believe the Jews were not released from the Law?
Correct! The Jews were released. But at the same time the Law of Christ would say don’t even look with lust.
What then are your thoughts about this?
Why do you believe this is a false statement?
Correct, they were!
Why is this statement false?
Why then do you think the referenced verses are about people trying to follow both laws?
Who then is Paul taking to?
Correct, he is here talking to Jews, so they know the Law!
Correct, they were!
Correct, that is what the Bible says!
Correct, that is what the Bible says!
Correct! The Law could not give life to those living under the Law (the Jews). The Law was not flawed! The Jews just could not keep the Law. However, Jesus did.
Correct! The purpose was fulfilled, all prophecies of Jesus came true, the Jews should have recognized Him but it was their choice to believe and accept Him.
Correct, that is true!
Correct, it is!
Correct! The promised to Abaraham included all people while the Law was only for the Jews.
What is false in this statement?
Correct! Jesus was the Seed of Promise!
Yes, they were included in the promise!
Correct, the Law of Moses, a covenant or agreement between the Jews and God, was a wall of separation!
What do you see in this statement that is false?
Correct! That is what Jesus did – and much, much more!
Correct! As stated by Paul in his letter to the Ephesians.
Correct! As stated by Paul in his letter to the Ephesians.
How were Gentiles included in the covenants of promise?
Correct! As stated by Paul to the Ephesians.
How could uncircumcised Gentiles also be citizens of the Jewish nation (children of Israel)?
Correct! They were not decedents of Abraham (children of Israel).
Correct! That is what Paul wrote to the Ephesians.
Correct! They did not!
Where in Scripture can we find details about this covenant?
Correct! The Law, the Law of Moses, including the Ten Commandments.
Who then was God speaking to in the Exodus 34 reference.
Correct! That is what the Bible says!
Why did you select TRIALS instead of TRUTH?
How did Moses bring salvation?
Correct! He did not.
What suggests the covenant was with Gentiles?
Correct! That is what the Bible says!
Thank you for your answer.
Are you a true descendant of Abraham? If so, which tribe?
Correct! God’s chosen people were not to marry Gentiles.
Correct! He does not!
Correct! Direct descendants of Abraham though Jacob. (God changed Jacob’s name to “Israel”.)
Who then were the children of Abraham?
Yes, Jesus was talking to believing Jews.
Correct, they were!
Why don’t you believe this?
What additional proof do you need?
What additional evidence are you waiting for?
Why don’t you believe Jesus has all authority and that He is God?
Correct! Heaven is where we want to go, but as we studied, most people in the world, by choice, are not on their way to heaven.
How would following the majority get you to heaven?
Wonderful! Maybe we can continue studying together!
Why don’t you believe this claim made by Jesus?
Great! How does it make you feel knowing Jesus has so much authority and is so powerful?
What evidence do you have that suggests most people will find eternal life?
Who then should man follow if not God the Creator?
Why do you believe Jesus is NOT God?
Correct, they are the One God we read about in the Bible.
Correct! One God in three persons.
What then do you think Peter is saying about this?
Correct, that is what these verses tell us!
What then are your thoughts about God being the Father and the Son, often called ‘Deity’?
Why do you believe God has not visited the earth in human form?
What do words like “Us” and “Our” suggest to you?
Correct, the Bibles says God existed before the heavens and the earth were created!
Correct, it is possible!
Why is this not possible?
How then do you explain all this scientific foreknowledge?
What do you believe David was saying here about the ocean?
What then did Job say?
Absolutely! And the pictures of the round earth from outer space are beautiful.
Correct! He could not!
Correct! Solomon could not!
How do you know this?
Correct! Too many to count!
What then is a logical conclusion when you see the unique design found in nature?
Correct! It is the only environment that supports a fish!
What then is the best living environment for a fish?
Correct! It is not!
What do you see in a chicken’s design that makes it perfect for swimming in water?
Correct! A duck has perfect feet for swimming!
Why is this a false statement?
Correct! That is logical.
What makes you believe the Spirit was not with God in the beginning?
How did Solomon acquire the necessary scientific evidence to make this discovery?
Correct! It is not logical nor reasonable to assume Job’s limited experience on earth gave him the knowledge needed to design and build a large three-story seaworthy vessel like the ark.
How then did all these different plants, animals and heavenly bodies come into existence?
Correct! We function better on dry land.
What human features make mankind ideal to live in water like fish?
What makes you believe a duck was not designed to swim in water?
How is that logical?
What is reasonable to believe about a living God and the God of the Bible?
Why isn’t logic and reasoning helpful in understanding the Bible?
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