Correct! Anybody teaching as truth something about the gospel not found in God’s word will be condemned.
What is your understanding concerning the apostles and how they were guided to write Scripture and all their writings taken together being spiritually correct and complete, that is, all that we need today?
Great! The inspired apostles were guided by the Spirit of truth. The things they taught, wrote, or had written for them, as Paul often did, when viewed in total is ALL the spiritual truth God knew man needed to believe, obey and please Him.
Correct, Jesus said the Holy Spirit (Spirit of truth) would guide the apostles into all truth necessary to thoroughly equip Christians. This promise is to apostles, not ALL believers. The Spirit would help the apostles remember what Jesus said, John 14:26, and reveal things to come in the future.
Correct! Isaiah did say the mother of Jesus would be a virgin and he could not know such a thing on his own.
Correct! Scientifically accurate information recorded in the Bible before discovery by man confirms that an all-knowing God inspired the Bible writers.
And the reason you have not seen a single proven contradiction in the Bible is because there aren’t any!
Correct. Jesus not only claimed to have all authority, but He also proved it by what He did and continues to do for us as we live for Him.
What is preventing you from seeing the Bible as the word of God rather than a simple compilation of fictional writings from many men over a long period of time which magically agree on all facts and are 100% accurate in every prediction?
Excellent! Knowing the Bible is from God means we must study it frequently to understand what He is saying to us and what kind of response He desires.
What additional truth/proof is needed to persuade you concerning Jesus, who He is and the authority and power He possesses?
How will mankind be saved from sin without God showing us grace in the life Jesus and hope of salvation because of His sacrificial death?
Correct. God showed us His love, grace, and mercy when He sent Jesus to be the acceptable sacrifice for our sin.
Correct! Jesus has all authority, Mathew 28:18, and He is the one and only Mediator between man and God, 1 Timothy 2:5!
Correct! Most people are not even looking for this narrow gate. Many think God’s love will automatically save everyone. Others are not sure but really don’t care and prefer to remain spiritually ignorant.
Correct! If Jesus is the author of salvation to all who obey Him, a person’s faith has to be more than a warm feeling, it must be heartfelt respects for His words and obedience to His commands.
Correct! Man’s only hope to be with God for eternity is exclusively found in the truth of Jesus by following the way of Jesus and living like Jesus.
Why don’t you believe the recorded words of John the Baptist in John 1:29.
Correct. John the Immerser/Baptizer/Baptist identified Jesus as the Lamb of God who came to take away sins.
How could the Word not have been with God in the beginning given what is written in John 1:1-2?
Correct. Jesus was with God at the beginning as was the Holy Spirit, Genesis 1:2.
Correct, the Word (Jesus as God) became flesh (Jesus as man) who was at the same time the only begotten Son (Jesus, the Son of God).
What makes you believe The Word did not take on flesh and become a man to live among us?
Correct! The Word, Jesus, the Son of God, also became the Son of man to live righteously in the flesh among us. His eyewitnesses saw His glory and we, through what they wrote, also see His glory.
Why did God send Jesus into the world?
Correct! God sent Jesus so we can believe in Him and have everlasting life.
What scripture suggests God did not send Jesus into the world? Doesn’t John 3:16 provide the only answer?
Correct! God proved His love for us by sending His Son so we might be saved from our sins!
Why is this false since Paul and John both provide warnings about going beyond what God’s word states?
Where does God say it is acceptable for someone to change His words? Wouldn’t that be changing God’s words found in Galatians 1:8-9?
Correct! God does not change; He does not make mistakes; His word is truth; and He condemns anyone changing His word.
What scripture suggests teaching a gospel not found in revealed Scriptures is acceptable? (See Galatians 1:9)
Correct, they or even an angel from heaven would be condemned for preaching a gospel different from what Jesus had given them.
What do you believe concerning inspiration of Scripture and what additional information does man need to do the good work God has given us?
Correct! It is from God; it is complete; it is all we need to please God and do the work He has given us!
What is the source of all Scripture if not by inspiration of God as Pual tells Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:16-17?
Correct! Paul through inspiration is saying all Scripture, Old and New Testament, is from God; recorded exactly the way God wanted it written!
Correct! The prophecy of a virgin birth and the birth taking place in Bethlehem were both fulfilled 700 years later!
What was Micah talking about in Micah 5:2 if not the city where Jesus would be born?
What is not true, the prophesy of a virgin birth or the virgin birth of Jesus?
Correct! Isaiah said, “a virgin would conceive and bear a Son” as a sign (one of many signs) from God about the coming of Christ.
Correct! The consistency and accuracy throughout the Bible would be impossible without inspiration by an all-knowing God.
What scientific inaccuracies do you see in the Bible?
What do you think Isaiah meant in Isaiah 40:22 concerning the shape of the earth?
What was Job say about the earth in Job 26:7?
Correct, Joshua makes reference the Hittites in Joshua 3:10!
Correct, that is what the Bible says in Genesis 23:10!
How would that be humanly possible without inspiration by God?
Correct, they could not! Today, it is almost impossible for two eyewitnesses to agree on details of an event within the last week!
How do you explain God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirt and their relationship to the God of the Bible.
Correct! There is only one true God revealed in the Bible. That one God is the ‘Us’ in Genesis 1:26 that created man and that includes the Spirit mentioned in Genesis 1:2. John 1:1 also confirms Jesus, the ‘Word’, was with God at creation.
How is it possible for ordinary men to know scientific facts 100’s of years before other ordinary men using scientific methods discovered them?
What does the order and design of all things in the universe suggest to you about its origin?
Correct! The perfect balance and harmony of the entire creation is not by accident, it is only possible by an all-knowing, all-powerful God.
Correct! Human intelligence is amazing at combining experience, investigation, and imagination to give us the wealth of ‘discovered’ scientific knowledge we have today. If someone knows scientific facts without this ‘discovery’, the only reasonably source of this new information is a direct revelation from God.
How can something come from nothing without an eternal God, that is, a God that has no beginning or end?
Correct! The Bible says repent or parish. See Luke 13:3,5.
What possible hope remains for an unrepentant sinner to be saved?
What then must a disciple do regarding the words of Jesus? (Read John 8:31)
Correct! Now that God’s complete/perfect truth has been revealed and is recorded in the Bible, nothing remains needing confirmation by miracles.
Correct! Worshippers must worship God in spirit and in truth for God to accept their worship!
Why would God be pleased with worship based on something other than truth or offered without a sincere heart?
Correct. God seeks people to worship Him in spirit and truth. Does He seek worship because He needs our worship or because we benefit when we worship Him?
How can we help you understand God’s plan for saving man and help you do what God commands, so your salvation can be a reality, not just wishful thinking.
That is wonderful! Knowing God’s will and knowing you have obeyed His will means eternal life with Him is yours, if you should physically die or Christ returns in the next few minutes.
Keep studying baptism to discover what pleases God. It’s your decision! God wants to save you and we are here to encourage you.
Perfect! What a relief to know sin no longer separates you from God! May your enthusiasm grow daily, along with Bible knowledge to equip you to teach others and bring souls to Jesus.
What do you consider a valid baptism and what happens in baptism to enable your sins to be forgiven?
Correct. God defines baptism as immersion, submerged under water, a burial, where a believer comes in contact with the blood of Jesus so his sins can be washed away.
Terrific! The gospel is called the Good News because obedience makes salvation a reality!
Keep studying and thinking! Life is full of options and opportunities as long as we remain alive.
Keep studying and consider the eternal impact gospel obedience will have on you.
Wonderful! His commands are not burdensome, and His yoke is light, making it possible for us to overcome misfortunes in life, Matthew 11:30.
Keep studying and consider the possible benefits in this life and in the life to come.
Awesome! Jesus is the right way, the only way. Letting Him have control in your life means you too are on the right way!
Correct! Gospel obedience is necessary to be saved. Without gospel obedience your sins continue to separate you from God making eternal life with Jesus impossible.
What hope of living with Jesus does a person have who died without obeying the gospel to have their sins washed away?
Correct. Two angels stated it for Jesus and Jesus always keeps his promises.
Correct! Baptism is a personal decision made out of faith and public confession in Jesus and what He did so your sins, which you now regret and no longer want to do, can be forgiven.
Keep studying and thinking! Your decision will have an eternal impact.
Correct. God the Creator, the Law Provider and the Righteous Judge, not man, determines the terms for salvation! Gospel obedience is necessary, it isn’t an option!
Correct. After believing in and confessing Jesus plus repenting of sin, the gospel must be obeyed in baptism for sins to be forgiven.
Why do you say it isn’t necessary to believe and publicly confess your belief in Jesus and also repent of your sin to be saved from sin?
Correct. God’s plan of salvation is specific, it follows a logical sequence, all commands are necessary. There is only one way, Jesus is the way. Man-made shortcuts or alternate routes are all forms of disobedience, are sinful and will not lead to eternal life.
Correct. In baptism you are washed by the blood of Jesus, and you come up/out of the water without sin, a new person, and the Lord adds you to His church, the saved!
How are you saved if not by obedience to the gospel of Jesus?
Correct. Hearing and believe the gospel is necessary, but salvation is not realized until the gospel is obeyed.
At what point does a person receive forgiveness for sins they have committed?
Correct. Forgiveness is what we need, but it isn’t received until we prove our faith in gospel obedience.
How did those who obeyed the gospel become part of the church/the saved?
How does God call people today if not through the gospel of Jesus Christ?
Correct! Paul clearly states the Gospel he delivered to them, which he received by inspiration, is the method God uses to call those who are willing to listen.
Correct! An accurate and complete understanding will lead to a baptism acceptable to God.
How can your understanding be complete, yet your baptism/immersion be wrong?
Correct! A proper understanding of the gospel and the form of baptism must both be right for a baptism to please God.
How can an incomplete understanding of the gospel and baptism result in a baptism acceptable to God?
Why would being baptized/immersed again be necessary if they accurately understood the gospel, the purpose of baptism and followed God’s way of being baptized the first time?
Correct! Your understanding of the gospel is only as accurate and complete as the teaching you have received.
How could incomplete teaching on a subject lead anyone to a full, complete, and accurate understanding of that subject?
Correct! They did not understand the gospel when they were baptized into John’s baptism!
How do you know they were not baptized more than once?
Correct. Some believers in Ephesus had only been baptized into the baptism of John. As soon as they understood the necessity of being baptized in the Name of Jesus, they were baptized again to comply fully with the Gospel.
Correct! You understand the importance and significance of repenting after hearing and being taught the Gospel.
Correct! It is impossible to believe the Gospel if you have not heard it and have not been taught the meaning, significance, and purpose of the Gospel.
Correct! In baptism we are buried with Jesus as He too was buried. As God raised Jesus from death (the grave), He raises us from our spiritual death.
Correct, Philip did not simply get a cup to pour some water, but both got in the water so the eunuch could be baptized.
Correct, they know they are guilty of disobeying God. They are not proud of their sins but choose to be honest and confess to God and to men!
Why do you believe it is impossible to die to sin and live to righteousness through Jesus?
Correct. Jesus makes it possible for a person to no longer live in sin and to start living righteously!
What did Jesus accomplish for us when He did upon the cross?
Correct. By living a perfect life in the flesh and dying on a cross as a sacrifice for our sins, He bore our sins so we can be reconciled and saved by His life.
Correct. Jesus died for those who know they are hopelessly lost and cannot save themselves!
Why would Jesus die for someone who believes they are righteous without Him?
Correct! All sinners who die in their sin, no matter what the sin, will be found in the lake of fire.
Correct, God knows the righteous judgement is coming and He desires everyone to be saved.
Why would God not want you to repent?
Correct, realizing our words or actions displeased God should cause us to try that much harder to avoid such things.
What does Godly sorrow produce if not repentance?
Correct! Worldly sorrow won’t produce repentance leading to salvation.
How would you describe people who say they have never sinned?
Who, other than Jesus, has not or does not sin?
What does the future hold for those who believe in Jesus?
Correct, and He is now preparing to receive us so we can be with Him forever.
Awesome! The gospel saves when you hear the good news, believe the good news, obey the good news and do not fall away (hold fast).
Wonderful! Jesus is the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him!
Correct, he/she can! Becoming obedient and staying obedient are two separate choices.
Correct. Believing the gospel after hearing it is excellent but if there is no reaction, if you don’t change, if you don’t obey, is the believing real?
What suggests belief alone is adequate for salvation? Wouldn’t that mean demons who believe in Jesus are also saved? See James 2:19-20.
Correct. Hearing the gospel is a good start but that alone is not enough to save anyone.
Why would hearing the gospel without any specific reaction to the message save the hearer?
What does Jesus want His followers to do?
Correct. Every soul is important and needs to hear the truth so they can decide to obey or reject rather than stay uninformed.]
If Jesus is not the way, truth and the life, where can we find the right answers to avoid being lead astray in our pursue of a successful life?
Correct. Following Jesus keeps me on the right road. Listening to Him eliminates the need to hear and be confused by others. He makes it possible to successfully live life on earthly and to know spiritual life in eternity will become a reality.
What are the most import things I should know and do if Jesus is the only way to where I want to go?
Correct. If my desire is to go to God the Father and Jesus is the only way, I must carefully listen to what He says and observe what He does so I can obey what He comments and act the way He would act.]
Correct. Jesus is the only way to God the Father and He shows us His way.
How could there be many ways when Jesus says He is the only way?
Correct. The signs (miracles) were proof that Jesus was from God and that God was with Jesus.
How was Jesus able to do miracles if He was not from God or if God was not with Him?
Correct. Jesus also called this being ‘born again’. Without this you couldn’t even ‘see’ the kingdom of God.
According to Jesus, what must a person do to see the kingdom of heaven?
Correct. Jesus said entering God’s kingdom REQUIRES a person to be born again, that is, to be born of water and Spirit.
According to Jesus, what must a person do to enter the kingdom of heaven?
under development
under development
Correct! A similar description is found in 1 Corinthians 6:11; Titus 3:5 and Ephesians 5:26
Correct. Like it or not, the kids are listening, watching and learning and they are easily influenced by parents because they spent so much time with their parents. It is up to the parents if they are a good or bad role model!
Why would a godly woman have greater concern for outward appearance than the condition of her heart?
What suggests Rebekah did not comfort Isaac?
Correct. That is what the Bible says about Rebekah, the wife chosen with God’s help.
Correct. Man did not find a compatible helper among all the created animals and birds. However, he expresses amazement and great joy when God brings him the woman created from his rib.
Correct. Marriage is a lifelong commitment to each other and to God. Approaching marriage from that perspective means impulsive actions should be replaced with prayer and thoughtfulness.
Correct. It is important to recognize God designed physical needs and that God’s gift of marriage where these needs can be satisfied.
Who does have power and authority over her husband’s body?
Correct. They each must submit their bodies to one another because in marriage they became one flesh.
Why wouldn’t marriage help people avoid fornication.
Correct. Satan knows how to weaken our self-control. To avoid such a problem concerning physical needs, marriage is the better solution.
Why wouldn’t a wife’s heart and quiet spirit be powerful?
Correct. This gives her the power to win her husband to Christ.
Why is it wrong to say a wonderful wife is a crown to her husband?
Correct. She is his special gift from God.
Why would God want a husband to stay with his parents even after he has married and started his own family?
Correct. His focus must shift to his own family and their needs.
Correct. God said it was not good for man to be alone. Without a woman mankind with have remained just one man!
Why would God say it is not good for man to be alone?
Why would it be ok for a husband to not love his wife?
How is love expressed without obedience?
Correct. Disobedience proves there is no love.
Who should be the spiritual leader in the home if not the father?
Correct. That is his God given responsibility. Failure could result in the souls of his family being eternally lost.
Why would a loving father allow his children to be spoiled, unruly, undisciplined, and without a spiritual foundation?
Correct. True love means doing what is best for them, so they are equipped to please and obey God.
Correct. A love that includes putting himself in harm’s way to protect her.
Correct. Sarah obeyed Abraham and willingly acknowledged him as her master.
What would happen in a home where children are not loved by their mother?
Correct. This is very natural for most women, but older women can encourage a mother when this love seems to be lacking or misdirected.
Why isn’t it important or necessary for a wife to love her husband?
Correct. And older women should encourage a wife to love her husband.
Who would have greater influence on children than their parents concerning spiritual priority?
Correct. Nothing is more important for us than loving God our Creator!
What benefit would it be to love family more than God?
Why isn’t loving God more important than loving each other?
Correct. This is the first purpose and priority of mankind.
What would possibly happen if either separated themselves whenever they wanted and for as long as they wanted?
Correct. This is to be discussed and agreed to beforehand. Even then, it should only be for a short period.
Correct. Husband and wife have a mutual responsibility to one another concerning love and sexual needs.
What is the wife’s responsibility to her husband concerning physical needs?
What suggests God’s intended purpose of marriage is something different?
What is a better description of God’s expectation for the husband and wife?
Correct. That is how God describes marriage in Genesis 2:24.
Why would God desire the husband and wife to ignore each other’s physical needs?
What command does God place on the wife concerning the home and how it should function?
When is it acceptable for the wife to not be in subjection to her husband?
Correct. Exceptions and exclusions are all removed when God says to be subject in everything.
Correct. The husband is to be the head of his wife. The perfect example of headship is Christ being the head of His body, the church.
What scripture suggests God desires the wife to be the head of her husband?
Correct. God has made the husband the head of the home, he must take responsibility for the home. His wife submits to her husband out of respect for the responsibility he was given and out of respect for God.
How could doing something you are told not to do be anything but disobedience, that is, not complying with the command?
Correct. She chose to disobey God because of her own lust after being persuaded by Satan.
How could this statement be false after reading Genesis 2:16-17?
Correct. They were permitted to eat from all the other trees, but eating this forbidden fruit would bring death.
Correct. Claiming to be godly while flaunting worldly immodesty or excess is hypocritical. The heart of a godly woman strives to bring attention to Christ, not self.
Correct. That is the opposite of what God desires and even commands.
How does being obnoxious, rude, and uncontrolled bring glory to God?
How would fancy clothing be more valuable than good works if you are striving to draw people to Christ?
Correct. Good works point others to God and modest dress will not be a distraction.
How should a woman dress, especially one claiming to be Godly?
Correct. Modesty in outward appearance is important but the content of one’s heart is much more important.
What type of spirit would be more precious in God’s sight?
Correct. We determine a person’s character by external actions, while God looks into their heart and sees what motivates that action. A gentle and quite spirit is precious to God.
Why is it impossible for a Christian wife to change her husband’s heart so he too becomes an obedient believer in Christ?
Correct. It is possible when the wife consistently thinks, talks, and acts like a true Christian faithfully living life.
Correct. Priscilla and her husband were tentmakers and they even worked with Paul for a while.
Why would she not be a tentmaker working alongside her husband and even Paul for a while?
Why would Sarah call Abraham lord if she would not obey him?
Seven years sounds like a long time, but how long did it feel to Jacob?
Correct. In today’s fast paced world most would not consider 7 years as only a few days!
What suggests a foolish wife would not destroy the home?
Correct. She will destroy the home single-handedly, by her foolishness.
What effect should a wife have on the home?
Correct. The Bible says she is “like” rottenness to his bones. She is like a cancer destroying him.
Correct. She builds it up; makes it better; makes it stronger!
How would you describe the impact on a husband if the wife causes him shame?
Correct. As head of the family, the spiritual wellbeing of the family is his highest priority.
How does cursing God and giving up on life show thankfulness and be considered a form of praising God.
How do you view the actions of Jezebel concerning the land owned by Naboth which her husband desired?
Correct. She disobeyed a command of God by having Naboth murdered in order to please her husband.
Correct. She was angry at Job for remaining faithful to God, so she encouraged Job to sin.
How could Eve’s actions not be considered disobedience to a God given command?
Correct. Eve listened to the devil instead of God and then gave forbidden fruit to Adam.
What is a better role for a wise wife to the home and in the family?
Correct. By God’s design a woman is better at managing the home while a man’s physical strength makes him better at providing for his family. However, today’s technology means many jobs don’t require physical strength and enables a person to work from home, making it possible for husband and wife to easily support one another for the benefit of the family.
Why would her children not be thankful and why would her husband not honor her?
Correct. As children grow up, they realize the value and impact of their mother in preparing them for the future, while the husband recognizes the importance and support of his wife.
How should a wise wife treat her husband?
Correct. A virtuous wife can be trusted and will do what is right to help her husband and not do evil to harm him or the family.
Why shouldn’t a husband be able to trust his wife?
Correct. A virtuous wife can always be trusted.
Why wouldn’t a virtuous wife be a crown of gladness to her husband?
Correct. A woman with strong character is a crown of joy and gladness.
Correct. God gets credit for creating a helper for man and his wife is prudent and sensible because she is allowing God to guide her
Where should a husband find his greatest joy and satisfaction?
What makes this a false statement given the words found in Proverbs 18:22?
Who deserves credit when a man finds a prudent/sensible woman willing to marry him?
Correct. This Bible truth suggests finding a wife is work. Compatibility is not automatic, understanding your preferences and how to detect them takes patience and thoughtfulness. Marriage does not come with a trial period or return guarantee.
Correct. There is much physical joy and fulfilment in marriage, and this is only pleasing to God when between husband and wife.
What might be a better arrangement for a husband and wife to exist together?
Correct. Although a few men do not marry by choice or circumstance, most men are naturally attracted to and strongly desire a wife for companionship and for the joy of raising a family together.
What would happen to mankind if most men felt complete and fully satisfied without the companionship of a wife?
Correct. Marriage is a commitment that is easy to keep because God designed it and God made you to become one physically, emotionally and spiritually. She is his perfect helper!
How strong would a marriage be if the husband shows more love and devotion for his parents than he does for his wife?
Correct. After marriage the bond between husband and wife comes before the bond the husband had with his parents.
How did woman come into existence if God’s word must be rejected?
How do you interpret Adam’s comment recorded in Genesis 2:23?
What is a more accurate explanation for the beginning of man, animals and birds?
Correct. God formed woman from the one rib he took out of man.
Correct. Genesis 1 suggests God speaks everything into existence. Genesis 2 provides additional creation details concerning the man, other mammals, and birds.
Correct. By God’s design the man needed a woman, someone compatible to him to be his helper to fulfill God’s purpose for mankind.
What would be good about man existing without a woman, his helper, his wife, his companion, and his friend?
Who should be the spiritual leader for the family?
Why shouldn’t the husband be the head of his family?
Correct. It is the husband’s responsibility to lovingly guide his family through life, so everyone’s talent and full potential brings honor to God and secures eternal life.
Who becomes a child’s role model, if parents neglect this opportunity?
Correct. Christian parents are to train up a child, Proverbs 22:6, and the most impactful lessons come from watching mom and dad live life.
What is the best solution to avoid the sin of sexual immorality?
Correct. Natural attractions and desires require self-control. Marriage is the best solution to avoid the sin which could result if self-control is weak.
How and when did the concept of marriage begin?
Correct. Marriage between a man and a woman was designed by God.
Correct. Prayer is helpful in all situations unless it is simply for show. A God pleasing marriage where husband and wife honor God with their respective roles will not negatively impact the effectiveness of their prayers.
Correct. By God’s design, a man and a woman become one flesh in marriage for as long as they both live. God hates divorce, Malachi 2:16. Fornicators and adulterers will be judged, Hebrews 13:4.
Why wouldn’t or shouldn’t a Christian husband help his family go to heaven?
What should a Christian husband and wife be seeking as they live life together?
Correct. As Christ loved His ‘body’, the church, so a husband ought to love his own ‘body’ which is his wife.
Correct. The love God commands a husband to have for His wife can only be practiced by understanding Christ’s love for His church.
Why would prayer not be helpful in marriage?
What influence do loving parents have on their children?
Correct. A loving husband and wife serve as good role models for their children and for all who associate with them.
What is God’s design for marriage?
What is your reaction to God’s demonstrated love?
Correct. God’s love is demonstrated in so many ways, our natural response is loving Him in return.
Correct. As the spiritual leader in the home his number one priority is making sure the whole family is on the path leading to that eternal heavenly home.
Who should be the spiritual leader in the home?
Correct. Ephesians 5:23 and Colossians 3:18 assigns leadership in the home to the husband. This starts with spiritual leadership if he is truly seeking those things that are above.
What would be more important for them to put first in their life?
Correct. If Jesus and the church are first, all other things will automatically fall into their proper place.
Correct. All Christians stay strong by focusing on where they want to be and the Christ who is there and makes it possible.
Correct. Christians are in Christ, they are His body, and they are unified under His headship.
What is a better description of how a Christian husband should love his wife.
Correct. The love a Chistian husband has for his wife (and himself) is without limit.
How does Paul help us understand the relationship of Christ and His church?
Correct. The relationship of Christ and His church is like that perfect husband and wife relationship we all can visualize and strive to attain.
What great mystery is Paul talking about in Ephesians 5:32?
What evidence suggests Jesus does not nourish and cherish His body, the church?
Correct. Not only did He die for the church, but He also provided everything the church needs to thrive and grow while advocating continually for her in heaven.
Correct. No one ever hates their own flesh.
How can anyone hate their own flesh?
Why wouldn’t a Christian husband who loves his wife be loving himself at the same time?
Correct. Since marriage has made the two into one, loving one is loving both.
Why shouldn’t a husband love his wife as he loves his own body?
How could a husband love his wife without knowing or understanding her needs?
Correct. God’s word commands, and Jesus demonstrated, what that love looks like by giving Himself for the church.
How could a man properly love his wife if he does not know what proper love looks like, feels like or what it does or does not do?
Correct. The love Christ has for His bride, the church, was demonstrated by His willingness to be sacrificed so her most important need, the need to be holy, could be realized.
A husband who understands and fulfills his wife’s most important needs will please God and lead both to eternal life.
Why did Jesus willingly die on the cross to save those in His church if He didn’t love the church?
Correct. The church was purchased with Christ’s blood (death) because He loved those willing to follow and obey Him. The church is His bride.
What does God’s word command concerning a husband loving his wife?
Correct. This subjection is God’s design. And like the relationship between Christ and His church, the body recognizes the overwhelming love and personal sacrifice the Head has made so subjection continues automatically, not something dictated or demanded.
What is a better approach for a husband and wife?
What is a more God-pleasing arrangement for a family?
Correct. That is God’s design for the home, a design also seen by the role of Christ and His church.
What makes this a false statement since the Bible says it? God knows how we are created, so why wouldn’t this be true?
Correct. Satan knows our weaknesses and tries to persuade us that satisfying personal desires has great value and not necessarily outside God’s plan for man. Satan wants to destroy our self-control.
Why wouldn’t both husband and wife have this obligation to each other?
Correct. Marriage is a lifetime commitment with God given responsibilities for both husband and wife.
What biblical evidence shows the husband is not responsible to his wife in this way?
Correct. Marriage is a lifetime commitment with God given responsibilities.
What better way is there to avoid fornication?
Correct. God created a natural attraction between a man and a woman for them to become one in marriage. Without self-control this natural attraction and desire could lead to sin.
What evidence suggests fornication and adultery is acceptable to God and will not be judged by Him?
Correct. God created and authorized intimate relations between a man and a woman when they are married to each other. However, such intimacy outside of marriage is not authorized by God and those who do such will be judged by Him. Galatians 5:19-21 makes it clear those who practice adultery and formication will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Why shouldn’t marriage between a man and a woman be something everyone honors?
Correct. Marriage is honorable. It is God’s design for a man and a woman to support and strengthen one another and to be fruitful and multiply.
Correct. A Christian husband must love his wife. It is a command, it isn’t an option, it is consistent in good times and in bad times.
Correct. A godly husband understands God’s design and purpose for marriage and understands how blessed he is to have a wife provided to him by God.
Correct. Jesus had to live as a man under the law, faithfully keep that law, and then be offered as a perfect lamb as our sacrifice. God has said, “Without the shedding of blood there can be no forgiveness of sin.” See Hebrews 9:22.
What is loving about retaliating when wronged or being suspicious of motive whenever someone says something?
Why would it be unwise for younger women to learn how to love her husband from older women?
Correct. Experience, if used correctly, is a great teacher. An older Christian woman has much constructive experience to encourage and guide a younger woman.
Correct. Biblical love includes this according to 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.
Correct. Biblical love includes this according to 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.
Correct. Biblical love includes this according to 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.
What is love if it isn’t something you do and practice daily?
Correct. It is more than a feeling that comes and goes; it is a natural attraction that grows daily by choice and with purpose.
Why wouldn’t biblical love have these characteristics?
Why wouldn’t biblical love have these characteristics?
Why wouldn’t this be a good definition of love described in the Bible?
Why doesn’t biblical love help a husband from becoming bitter?
Correct. Biblical love corrects the attitudes and reactions that might lead to bitterness.
How would it please God if a husband decided to stop loving his wife?
Why aren’t Christian husbands and Christian wives heirs of the grace of life?
Correct. Because husband and wife are both hires to the grace of life, they also understand their relationship to one another impacts their individual relationship with God.
What would be wrong about honoring a wife as the weaker vessel?
Correct. A Christian husband understands God’s creation and the responsibilities God has assigned to all that was created. The Christian husband takes responsibility for honoring his wife with her special capabilities and protecting her, especially when she is vulnerable.
Correct. God made us in His image, but we each have our own unique characteristics. A Christian husband respects the similarities and differences and strives to appreciate his wife’s views from her perspective.
What responsibility should a husband assume when it comes to understanding his wife?
What is inappropriate or undesirable about husbands living with their wives in an understanding way?
Correct. The home is a team effort, not a dictatorship, requiring mutual respect and honor. An appreciation for each other’s perspective and understanding is necessary, and the urgency falls upon the husband, God’s designated leader in the home.
Why would a Christian husband not consider his wife a special blessing?
What can a husband expect when he selects a good wife?
Correct. A wise husband selects a virtuous wife which will result in both having great gain in their shared life.
Why would it be unwise for a husband to trust his wife?
Correct. A virtuous wife is a blessing, and her wise husband knows in his heart that she can be fully trust.
What kind of love could so easily become hopeless and be ready to give up and give in?
How could anyone be considered sinless, that is, having never disobeyed a command from God?
Correct. God designed man and woman so one man could/would be joined to one woman. The commitment they made to each other fulfilled God’s intended purpose for them. Their commitment to each other was also a commitment with God the creator and definer of life.
Correct. The husband and wife are joined together for God’s purpose. It is a serious lifelong commitment with God and it comes with disastrous consequences when God’s intended purpose is not respected.
Correct. A man should always respect and love his parents, but once he is married, his wife and the family they have become is a greater love and priority in his life for the rest of life.
How could this statement be false when Genesis 1:27 and Matthew 19:4 says God made them male and female?
How could the joining together of a man and a woman exclude God when God created them for that indissoluble purpose?
How can a husband join his wife if they don’t become one flesh?
Why would a man leave his parents to be joined to a wife if his parents mean more to him than a wife?
Correct. God made mankind male and female. This identity is known at birth; is not altered by mental choice or bodily mutilation.
What scriptures suggest our spiritual salvation did not require the death of Jesus?
How could we enjoy spiritual salvation without God giving His Son as a sacrifice for our sin?
Correct. There was nothing we could do by ourselves to solve our sin problem, the problem that prevented spiritual salvation.
Correct. We were all guilty, no one was without sin, when Jesus was crucified.
Why would God send His Son to the earth for us to have eternal life if He did not love us?
Correct. God’s love for man and His desire to save mankind from their sins was so great He willingly sacrificed His Son to save us.
Correct. Christian love will never fail, that is, come to an end. However, Paul does list special spiritual gifts which will soon be coming to an end.
How does love fail? Paul says love never fails, never ends, 1 Corinthians 13:8. However, Paul does list special spiritual gifts which will be coming to an end.
Correct. Christian love hopes/expects God’s good gifts for all, brethren and fellow men. The expectation is that God’s grace will conquer and win. And even under trials Christians do not lose heart or become discouraged.
Correct. Christians willingly turn the other cheek and are not automatically suspicious by what is said.
Why would a loving person dislike truth while applauding sin?
Correct. A Christian’s love is saddened when observing sinful actions but openly thrilled when truth prevails.
How could love be genuine when a person is impatient and unkind?
Why do you say this kind of love is not practiced today?
Correct. Christians strive to practice this kind of love and don’t give up if they fail to meet their goal from time to time. Christians also know love is “walking according to His commandments”, 2 John 1:6!
How does self-seeking, short-tempered and evil thinking strengthen love?
Correct. Love is not self-serving, assumes good intentions and seeks only good.
How does a person’s pride and rude behavior enable love?
Correct. Sincere love does not focus on self, self-accomplishments or self-worth but sees the value of others and is always polite and considerate.
How will jealousy and bragging create genuine love?
Correct. Love is not a competition filled with jealousy and bragging.
Correct. True love is patient and kind but that isn’t the end of the story!
Correct. Regular systematic planned study of God’s word is the goal of every mature Christian desiring to persuade and teach truth to the lost.
Why would a mature Christian believe their faith will remain strong and grow with just a casual or occasional study of God’s word?
What does cause Christian growth if it is not the diligent study of God’s word?
Correct. Growth is based on the diligent study of God’s word.
Why wouldn’t faith grow if a Christian adds what is defined in 2 Peter1:5-7?
Correct. It will grow, become stronger, if you diligently add the items described in 2 Peter 1:5-7.
What makes it impossible for a Christian or anyone to have a mature faith?
Correct. Regular study, not just casual reading, will cause one’s faith to grow strong and be mature.